recipe_system.cal_service package
- recipe_system.cal_service.get_db_path_from_config()[source]
Read the path of the local database specified in the config file. An error will be raised if there is no such database, or more than one. This function is used by the “caldb” script and the set_local_database() function here. Parameters
- config: str
name of the configuration file Returns
- db_pathstr
the path to the local database file
- recipe_system.cal_service.init_calibration_databases(inst_lookups=None, procmode=None, ucals=None, upload=None)[source]
Initialize the calibration databases for a PrimitivesBASE object. Parameters
- inst_lookupsstr
local of the instrument lookups package (for the MDF lookup table)
- ucalsdict
user calibrations
- uploadlist
things to upload (we’re concerned about “calibs” and “science”) Returns
A UserDB object, possibly linked to additional CalDB objects
- recipe_system.cal_service.parse_databases(default_dbname='cal_manager.db')[source]
Parse the databases listed in the global config file. This returns a list provided information on how to build the cascase of databases, but does not instantiate any CalDB objects, so it can be used by the caldb script efficiently. Parameters
- default_dbnamestr
default name of database file (if only a directory is listed in the config file) Returns
list of tuples (class, database name, kwargs)
- recipe_system.cal_service.set_local_database()[source]
User helper function to define a local calibration database based on the “dragonsrc” config file. Returns
A LocalDB object Subpackages Submodules recipe_system.cal_service.caldb module
- class recipe_system.cal_service.caldb.CalDB(name=None, get_cal=True, store_cal=False, valid_caltypes=None, procmode=None, log=None)[source]
The parent class for all types of calibration database handlers. Attributes
- namestr
a name for this database (gets reported with the calibration, so there is some provenance)
- loglogger object
the logger object to report to
- get_calbool
allow retrievals from this database?
- store_calbool
allow new calibrations to be stored to this database?
- caldirstr
directory under which calibrations will be stored (either when createed, or when retrieved from a RemoteDB)
- procmodestr
the default processing mode that retrieved calibrations must be suitable for
- nextdbCalDB object/None
a place to send unfulfilled calibration requests
- _valid_caltypeslist of str
valid calibration types for retrieval/storage
- add_database(db)[source]
Adds a database to the end of the cascade. It does this recursively, calling this method on the next database in the casecade, until it gets to the end. Parameters
- dbCalDB instance
the database to add to the end of this cascade
- get_calibrations(adinputs, caltype=None, procmode=None, howmany=1)[source]
Returns the requested calibration type for the list of files provided. Parameters
- adinputslist of AstroData objects
the files requiring calibrations
- caltypestr
the type of calibration required
- procmodestr/None
minimum quality of processing needed for the calibration
- howmanyint
maximum number of calibrations to return (for backwards compat). Use howmany>1 at your own risk! Returns
- CalReturnthe calibration filenames and the databases which
provided them
- store_calibration(cal, caltype=None)[source]
Handle storage of calibrations. For all types of calibration (NOT processed_science) this saves the file to disk in the appropriate calibrations/ subdirectory (if store=True) and then passes the filename down the chain. For processed_science files, it passes the AstroData object. Parameters
- calsstr/AstroData
the calibration or its filename
- caltypestr
type of calibration
- class recipe_system.cal_service.caldb.CalReturn(*args)[source]
A simple class to store files and origins (i.e., which CalDB instance provided the calibration) for calibration requests. The class can be instantiated with either a list of files and a list of origins, or a single list of 2-tuples (file, origin), where a single None can be used in place of (None, None).
Public attributes are: files : list of files (or list of lists of files) origins : list of origins
There is also an items() method that returns these lists as zipped pairs, like the dict.items() method. Iteration is set up to return first the complete list of files, then the complete list of origins, which helps with coding the cheeseCorrect() primitives. recipe_system.cal_service.calrequestlib module
- class recipe_system.cal_service.calrequestlib.CalibrationRequest(ad, caltype=None, procmode=None)[source]
Request objects are passed to a calibration_search() function
- recipe_system.cal_service.calrequestlib.get_cal_requests(inputs, caltype, procmode=None, is_local=True)[source]
Builds a list of
objects, one for each ad input. Parameters
- inputs: <list>
A list of input AstroData instances.
- caltype: <str>
Calibration type, eg., ‘processed_bias’, ‘flat’, etc. Returns
- rq_events: <list>
A list of CalibrationRequest instances, one for each passed
‘ad’ instance in ‘inputs’. recipe_system.cal_service.calurl_dict module recipe_system.cal_service.file_getter module recipe_system.cal_service.localdb module
- class recipe_system.cal_service.localdb.LocalDB(dbfile, name=None, valid_caltypes=None, procmode=None, get_cal=True, store_cal=True, log=None, force_init=False)[source]
The class handling a calibration database stored on disk, via the LocalManager class. In addition to the methods required to interface with DRAGONS data reduction pipelines, other methods are used to provide a full API and effect actions of the “caldb” script.
An attempt to create an instance of this class without the LocalManager being importable will result in an error. Attributes
- dbfilestr
name of the file on disk holding the database
- _calmgrLocalManager instance
the local calibration manager that will handle the requests
- add_directory(path, walk=False)[source]
Ingest one or more files from a given directory, optionally searching all subdirectories. This is not used by primitives in the DRAGONS data reduction pipelines. Parameters
- pathstr
directory containing files to be ingested
- walkbool
add files from all subdirectories?
- init(wipe=False)[source]
Initialize a calibration database. Callers will usually only want to do this once. But if called again, it will wipe the old database. Parameters
- wipe<bool>, optional
If the database exists and this parameter is True, the file will be removed and recreated before initializing Raises
- IOError
If the file exists and there a system error when trying to remove it (eg. lack of permissions).
- LocalManagerError
If the file exists and wipe was False
- list_files()[source]
List all files in the local calibration database. This is not used by primitives in the DRAGONS data reduction pipelines. Returns
- LocalManager.list_files: <generator>.
(See class docstring for example of how to use this generator.) Raises
- LocalManagerError
Raised when unable to read database. recipe_system.cal_service.localmanager module recipe_system.cal_service.remotedb module
- class recipe_system.cal_service.remotedb.RemoteDB(server, name=None, valid_caltypes=None, get_cal=True, store_cal=False, store_science=False, procmode=None, log=None, upload_cookie=None)[source]
The class for remote calibration databases. It inherits from CalDB, but also has the following attributes: Attributes
- serverstr
URL of the server
- store_sciencebool
whether processed science images should be uploaded
- _upload_cookiestr
the cookie to send when uploading files
- _calmgrstr
the URL for making requests to the remote calibration manager
- _proccal_url, _science_urlstr
the URLs for uploading processed calibrations and processed science images, respectively. recipe_system.cal_service.userdb module
- class recipe_system.cal_service.userdb.UserDB(name=None, get_cal=True, mdf_dict=None, user_cals=None, valid_caltypes=None, log=None)[source]
The class handling the User-defined database, which can contain:
a filename for each caltype that should be returned whenever that caltype is requested, irrespective of the AD “making” the request
a filename to be returned for a given caltype for a specific AD (actually, a specific ad.calibration_key(), which is normally just the data label)
This class also handles the standard MDFs when a “mask” is requested. Attributes
- user_calsdict
A dict of {caltype: filename} as described in (a) above
- user_cachedict
A dict of {(calibration_key, caltype): filename} as described in (b) This is cached to disk as a pickle.
- mdf_dictdict
A dict of {mdf_key: filename} for the standard focal plane masks