Source code for recipe_system.adcc.servers.eventsManager

#                                                                     QAP Gemini
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import json
import time
import re

from astrodata import AstroData

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[docs] class EventsManager: def __init__(self): self.event_list = [] self.event_index = {} def _get_stacklist(self, ad): # Find a list of all images that went into a stack for a stacked image #raw_rgx = re.compile(r'^(tmp)(\d+)(gemcombine)(N|S)(\d{8})(S)(\d{4}) # (\.fits)(\[SCI,)(\d+)(\])$') # For quick reductions for the GUI, we are assuming that the same # images are combined for all extensions # Depracated: # raw_rgx = re.compile(r'tmp\d+gemcombine[NS]\d{8}S\d{4}\.fits\[SCI,\d+\]') return list(ad.phu.get('IMCMB***').values())
[docs] def get_metadict(self, ad): # Key: metadata dictionary key, Value: descriptor name descriptor_dict = { "datalabel" : "data_label", "local_time": "local_time", "ut_time" : "ut_datetime", "wavelength": "central_wavelength", "filter" : "filter_name", "waveband" : "wavelength_band", "airmass" : "airmass", "instrument": "instrument", "object" : "object", "wfs" : "wavefront_sensor", } options = { "central_wavelength": dict(asMicrometers=True), "filter_name" : dict(pretty=True), } postprocess = { "local_time" : lambda x: x.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f"), "ut_datetime": lambda x: x.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"), } mtd_dict = { "raw_filename": ad.filename, "types": list(ad.tags), } for mtd_name, desc_name in list(descriptor_dict.items()): try: descriptor = getattr(ad, desc_name) except AttributeError: mtd_dict[mtd_name] = None else: # Get the postprocessing transform. If there's none, use # an identity function. postproc = postprocess.get(desc_name, lambda x: x) dv = descriptor(**options.get(desc_name, {})) mtd_dict[mtd_name] = postproc(dv) # If the file is a processed stack, then add the filenames of the # data that went into the stack if ad.phu.get('STACKFRM'): stack_list = self._get_stacklist(ad) mtd_dict["stack"] = stack_list mtd = {"metadata": mtd_dict} return mtd
[docs] def append_event(self, ad=None, name=None, mdict=None, metadata=None, msgtype="qametric"): curtime = time.time() wholed = { "msgtype" : msgtype, name : mdict, "timestamp": curtime } if isinstance(ad, AstroData): if metadata is not None: md = metadata else: md = self.get_metadict(ad) wholed.update(md) elif isinstance(ad, list): for msg in ad: if "timestamp" in msg: msg.update({"reported_timestamp":msg["timestamp"]}) msg.update({"timestamp":time.time()}) self.event_list.extend(ad) return elif isinstance(ad, dict): if "timestamp" not in ad: ad.update({"timestamp":time.time()}) if "timestamp" in ad and "reported_timestamp" not in ad: ad.update({"reported_timestamp":ad["timestamp"]}) wholed = ad else: raise TypeError("Bad Arguments") self.event_list.append(wholed) timestamp = wholed["timestamp"] if timestamp not in self.event_index: self.event_index.update({timestamp:[]}) ts_list = self.event_index[timestamp] ts_list.append(self.event_list.index(wholed)) return
[docs] def get_list(self, fromtime=None): if not fromtime: return self.event_list else: for i in range(len(self.event_list)): if self.event_list[i]["timestamp"] > fromtime: return self.event_list[i:] return []
[docs] def clear_list(self): self.event_list = [] self.event_index = {} return