2. Full API ExampleΒΆ

Here we put together several of the tools to show how it can all work, from beginning to end.

  1. Import everything we will need.

    >>> import glob
    >>> from recipe_system.reduction.coreReduce import Reduce
    >>> from recipe_system import cal_service
    >>> from gempy.utils import logutils
    >>> from gempy.adlibrary import dataselect
  2. Create the file lists. One for the darks, one for the flats, one for the science target.

    >>> all_files = glob.glob('../raw/*.fits')
    # 20 second darks.
    >>> expression = 'exposure_time==20'
    >>> parsed_expr = dataselect.expr_parser(expression)
    >>> darks20s = dataselect.select_data(all_files, ['DARK'], [], parsed_expr)
    # all the flats
    >>> flats = dataselect.select_data(all_files, ['FLAT'])
    # the science data
    >>> expression = 'object=="SN2014J"'
    >>> parsed_expr = dataselect.expr_parser(expression)
    >>> target = dataselect.select_data(all_files, expression=parsed_expr)
  3. Set up the calibration manager and database. First, create or edit the ~/.geminidr/rsys.cfg to look like this:

    standalone = True
    database_dir = <where_you_want_the_database_to_live>/

    Then configure and initialize the database, and activate the service:

    >>> caldb = cal_service.CalibrationService()
    >>> caldb.config()
    >>> caldb.init()
    >>> cal_service.set_calservice()
  4. Set up the logger.

    >>> logutils.config(file_name='example.log')
  5. Reduce the darks and add the master dark to the calibration database.

    >>> reduce_darks = Reduce()
    >>> reduce_darks.files.extend(darks20s)
    >>> reduce_darks.runr()
    >>> caldb.add_cal(reduce_darks.output_filenames[0])
  6. Reduce the flats and add the master flats to the calibration database.

    >>> reduce_flats = Reduce()
    >>> reduce_flats.files.extend(flats)
    >>> reduce_flats.runr()
    >>> caldb.add_cal(reduce_flats.output_filenames[0])
  7. Reduce the science target, with some input parameter override.

    >>> reduce_target = Reduce()
    >>> reduce_target.files.extend(target)
    >>> reduce_target.uparms.append(('skyCorrect:scale', False))
    >>> reduce_target.runr()