Source code for recipe_system.cal_service

#                                                                        DRAGONS
#                                                                    cal_service
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from os.path import basename
from os.path import expanduser
from os.path import exists

from ..config import globalConf
from ..config import STANDARD_REDUCTION_CONF
from ..config import DEFAULT_DIRECTORY

from . import transport_request

    from . import localmanager
    localmanager_available = True
except ImportError as e:
    localmanager_available = False
    import_error = str(e)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# BEGIN Setting up the calibs section for config files

    (CONFIG_SECTION, 'standalone'): bool

    CONFIG_SECTION: ('standalone', 'database_dir')
# END Setting up the calibs section for config files
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def load_calconf(conf_path=STANDARD_REDUCTION_CONF): """ Load the configuration from the specified path to file (or files), and initialize it with some defaults. Parameters ---------- conf_path: <str>, Path of configuration file. Default is STANDARD_REDUCTION_CONF -> '~/.geminidr/rsys.cfg' Return ------ <ConfigObject> """ globalConf.load(conf_path, defaults = { CONFIG_SECTION: { 'standalone': False, 'database_dir': expanduser(DEFAULT_DIRECTORY) } }) return get_calconf()
[docs]def update_calconf(items): globalConf.update(CONFIG_SECTION, items)
[docs]def get_calconf(): try: return globalConf[CONFIG_SECTION] except KeyError: # This will happen if CONFIG_SECTION has not been defined in any # config file, and no defaults have been set (shouldn't happen if # the user has called 'load_calconf' before. pass
[docs]def is_local(): try: if get_calconf().standalone: if not localmanager_available: raise RuntimeError( "Local calibs manager has been chosen, but there " "are missing dependencies: {}".format(import_error)) return True except AttributeError: # This may happen if there's no calibration config section or, in # case there is one, if either calconf.standalone or calconf.database_dir # are not defined pass return False
[docs]def handle_returns_factory(): return ( localmanager.handle_returns if is_local() else transport_request.handle_returns )
[docs]def cal_search_factory(): """ This function returns the proper calibration search function, depending on the user settings. Defaults to `prsproxyutil.calibration_search` if there is missing calibs setup, or if the `[calibs]`.`standalone` option is turned off. Returns ------- calibration_search: <func> The appropriate (local or fitsstore) search function indicated by a given configuration. """ return ( localmanager.LocalManager(get_calconf().database_dir).calibration_search if is_local() else transport_request.calibration_search )
[docs]def set_calservice(local_db_dir=None, config_file=STANDARD_REDUCTION_CONF): """ Update the calibration service global configuration stored in :data:`recipe_system.config.globalConf` by changing the path to the configuration file and to the data base directory. Parameters ---------- local_db_dir: <str> Name of the directory where the database will be stored. config_file: <str> Name of the configuration file that will be loaded. """ globalConf.load(expanduser(config_file)) if localmanager_available: if local_db_dir is None: local_db_dir = globalConf['calibs'].database_dir globalConf.update( CONFIG_SECTION, dict( database_dir=expanduser(local_db_dir), config_file=expanduser(config_file) ) ) globalConf.export_section(CONFIG_SECTION)
[docs]class CalibrationService: """ The CalibrationService class provides a limited API on the LocalManager class. The CalibrationService is meant for public use, as opposed to the lower level LocalManager class, and provides limited access to let users/callers easy configuration and use of the local calibration database. Methods ------- config(db_dir=None, verbose=True, config_file=STANDARD_REDUCTION_CONF) configure a session with the database via the rsys.conf file. init(wipe=True) initialize a calibration database. add_cal(path) Add a calibration file to the database. remove_cal(path) Delete a calibration from the database. list_files() List files in the database. Returns a generator object. E.g., >>> from recipe_system.cal_service import CalibrationService >>> caldb = CalibrationService() >>> caldb.config() Using configuration file: ~/.geminidr/rsys.cfg The active database directory is: ~/.geminidr The database file to be used: ~/.geminidr/cal_manager.db The 'standalone' flag is active; local calibrations will be used. >>> caldb.add_cal('calibrations/processed_bias/S20141013S0163_bias.fits') >>> for f in caldb.list_files(): f FileData(name='N20120212S0073_flat.fits', path='NIRI/calibrations/processed_flat') FileData(name='N20131214S0097_dark.fits', path='NIRI') FileData(name='N20150419S0224_flat.fits', path='GMOS_N_TWILIGHT_FLATS') FileData(name='S20141013S0020_stackd_flat.fits', path='gband_demo') FileData(name='S20141013S0163_bias.fits', path='gband_demo') FileData(name='S20141013S0163_flats_bias.fits', path='../gband_demo') FileData(name='S20141103S0123_image_bias.fits', path='../gband_demo') >>> caldb.remove_cal('N20120212S0073_flat.fits') >>> for f in caldb.list_files(): f FileData(name='N20131214S0097_dark.fits', path='NIRI') FileData(name='N20150419S0224_flat.fits', path='GMOS_N_TWILIGHT_FLATS') FileData(name='S20141013S0020_stackd_flat.fits', path='gband_demo') FileData(name='S20141013S0163_bias.fits', path='gband_demo') FileData(name='S20141013S0163_flats_bias.fits', path='../gband_demo') FileData(name='S20141103S0123_image_bias.fits', path='../gband_demo') """ def __init__(self): self.conf = None self._mgr = None
[docs] def config(self, db_dir=None, verbose=False, config_file=STANDARD_REDUCTION_CONF): """ Configure the Calibration Service and database. Parameters ---------- db_dir: <str> Path to the local calibration database. If the database has not been initialized, call this method and then init() the database. If not passed (None), the path specified in a user's rsys.conf file is used. verbose: <bool> Configuration information will be displayed to stdout. Default is True. config_file: str Path to the configuration file. """ set_calservice(local_db_dir=db_dir, config_file=config_file) conf = get_calconf() if not conf.standalone: print("CalibrationService is not configured as standalone.") else: print("CalibrationService is configured as standalone.") print("The configured local database will be used.") self._mgr = localmanager.LocalManager(expanduser(conf.database_dir)) if verbose: self._config_info(conf) return
[docs] def config_info(self): try: self._config_info(get_calconf()) except AttributeError as err: print("No configuration information available.") print("You must configure the CalibrationService with config()") return
[docs] def init(self, wipe=True): """ Initialize a calibration database. Callers will usually only want to do this once. But if called again, will wipe the old database. Parameters ---------- wipe: <bool>, optional If the database exists and this parameter is `True` (default value), the file will be removed and recreated before initializing. Raises ------ IOError If the file exists and there a system error when trying to remove it (eg. lack of permissions). LocalManagerError If the file exists and `wipe` was `False` """ return self._mgr.init_database(wipe=wipe)
[docs] def add_cal(self, path): """ Registers a calibration file specified by 'apath' into the database Parameters ---------- path: <str> Path to the file. It can be either absolute or relative. """ return self._mgr.ingest_file(path)
[docs] def remove_cal(self, path): """ Removes a calibration file from the database. Note that only the filename is relevant. All duplicate copies in the database will be removed. Parameters ---------- path: <str> Path to the file. It can be either absolute or relative """ return self._mgr.remove_file(basename(path))
[docs] def list_files(self): """ List all files in the local calibration database. Parameters ---------- <void> Returns ------- LocalManager.list_files: <generator>. (See class docstring for example of how to use this generator.) Raises ------ LocalManagerError Raised when unable to read database. """ return self._mgr.list_files()
def _config_info(self, conf): path = self._mgr._db_path is_active = ( "The 'standalone' flag is \033[1mactive\033[0m; local calibrations" "will be used." ) inactive = ( "The 'standalone' flag is not active; remote calibrations will be" " downloaded." ) print() print("Using configuration file: \033[1m{}\033[0m".format(conf.config_file)) print("Active database directory: \033[1m{}\033[0m".format(conf.database_dir)) print("Database file: \033[1m{}\033[0m".format(path)) print() print("configuration standalone: {}".format(conf.standalone)) if conf.standalone: print(is_active) else: print(inactive) if not exists(path): print(" NB: The database does not exist. Please initialize it.") print(" (see init() below.)") print() return