Source code for recipe_system.utils.reduce_utils

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Utility function library for reduce and the Reduce class.

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from argparse import RawDescriptionHelpFormatter

import astrodata
import gemini_instruments

from .reduceActions import PosArgAction
from .reduceActions import BooleanAction
from .reduceActions import ParameterAction
from .reduceActions import CalibrationAction
from .reduceActions import UnitaryArgumentAction

from ..cal_service import localmanager_available
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class ReduceHelpFormatter(RawDescriptionHelpFormatter): """ ReduceHelpFormatter class overrides default help formatting on customized reduce actions. """ def _format_args(self, action, default_metavar): get_metavar = self._metavar_formatter(action, default_metavar) if action.nargs is None: result = '%s' % get_metavar(1) elif isinstance(action, BooleanAction): result = '' elif isinstance(action, PosArgAction): result = '%s [%s ...]' % get_metavar(2) elif isinstance(action, UnitaryArgumentAction): result = '%s' % get_metavar(1) elif isinstance(action, ParameterAction): result = '%s [%s ...]' % get_metavar(2) elif isinstance(action, CalibrationAction): result = '%s [%s ...]' % get_metavar(2) else: formats = ['%s' for _ in range(action.nargs)] result = ' '.join(formats) % get_metavar(action.nargs) return result
[docs]class ReduceArgumentParser(ArgumentParser): """ Converts an argument line from a user param file into an actual argument, yields to the calling parser. """
[docs] def convert_arg_line_to_args(self, arg_line): if not arg_line.startswith("#"): for arg in arg_line.split(): if not arg.strip(): continue if arg.strip().startswith("#"): break yield arg
[docs]def buildParser(version): description = '\n'.join([ " Gemini Observatory ".center(77, '_'), " DRAGONS Recipe Processing Management System ".center(77, '_'), f" Recipe System Release v{version} ".center(77, '_'), ]) parser = ReduceArgumentParser(description=description, prog="reduce", formatter_class=ReduceHelpFormatter, fromfile_prefix_chars='@') parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action='version', version='%(prog)s v'+ version) parser.add_argument("-d", "--displayflags", dest='displayflags', default=False, nargs='*', action=BooleanAction, help="display all parsed option flags and exit.") parser.add_argument('files', metavar='fitsfile', nargs = "*", action=PosArgAction, default=[], help="fitsfile [fitsfile ...] ") parser.add_argument("--adpkg", dest='adpkg', default=None, nargs="*", action=UnitaryArgumentAction, help="Specify an external astrodata definitions package. " "This is only passed for non-Gemini instruments." "The package must be importable. E.g., " "--adpkg soar_instruments ") parser.add_argument("--drpkg", dest='drpkg', default='geminidr', nargs="*", action=UnitaryArgumentAction, help="Specify another data reduction (dr) package. " "The package must be importable. Recipe system default is " "'geminidr'. E.g., --drpkg ghostdr ") parser.add_argument("--logfile", dest="logfile", default="reduce.log", nargs="*", action=UnitaryArgumentAction, help="name of log (default is 'reduce.log')") parser.add_argument("--logmode", dest="logmode", default="standard", nargs="*", action=UnitaryArgumentAction, help="Set log mode: 'standard', 'quiet', 'debug'. " "Default is 'standard'. 'quiet' writes only to log file.") parser.add_argument("-p", "--param", dest="userparam", default=None, nargs="*", action=ParameterAction, help="Set a parameter from the command line. The form " "'-p par=val' sets a parameter such that all primitives " "with that defined parameter will 'see' it. The form: " "'-p primitivename:par=val', sets the parameter only " "for 'primitivename'. Separate par/val pairs by " "whitespace: " "(eg. '-p par1=val1 par2=val2')") parser.add_argument("--qa", action='store_const', dest="mode", default='sq', const='qa',help="Use 'qa' recipes." "Default is to use 'sq' recipes.") parser.add_argument("--ql", action='store_const', dest="mode", default='sq', const='ql',help="Use 'quicklook' recipes." "Default is to use 'sq' recipes.") parser.add_argument("-r", "--recipe", dest="recipename", default=None, nargs="*", action=UnitaryArgumentAction, help="Specify a recipe by name. Users can request " "non-default system recipe functions by their simple " "names, e.g., -r qaStack, OR may specify their own " "recipe file and recipe function. A user defined " "recipe function must be 'dotted' with the recipe file." " E.g., " " '-r /path/to/recipes/recipefile.recipe_function' " "For a recipe file in the current working directory " "(cwd), only the file name is needed, as in, " "'-r recipefile.recipe_function' " "The fact that the recipe function is dotted with the " "recipe file name implies that multiple user defined " "recipe functions can be defined in a single file. " "Readers should understand that these recipe files " "shall behave as python modules and should be named " "accordingly. I.e., in the example above, 'recipefile'" "is a python module named, '' ") parser.add_argument("--suffix", dest='suffix', default=None, nargs="*", action=UnitaryArgumentAction, help="Add 'suffix' to filenames at end of reduction; " "strip all other suffixes marked by '_'; ") parser.add_argument("--upload", dest='upload', default=None, action=UnitaryArgumentAction, nargs="*", help="Send these pipeline products to fitsstore." "Default is None." "Eg., --upload metrics calibs science") parser.add_argument("--user_cal", dest='user_cal', default=None, nargs="*", action=CalibrationAction, help="Specify user supplied calibrations for " "calibration types. " "Eg., --user_cal processed_arc:gsTest_arc.fits") if localmanager_available: parser.add_argument("--local_db_dir", dest='local_db_dir', default=None, nargs="*", action=UnitaryArgumentAction, help="Point to a directory where the local database " "for calibration association can be found. Default " "is to look it up in the config file (if any).") return parser
# --------------------------- Emulation functions ------------------------------ # The functions below encapsulate ArgumentParser access to option strings and # matches them to 'dest' attributes and attribute values. There is no public # interface as with OptionParser.has_option() and OptionParser.get_option() for # testing and getting option flags. # The functions # # parser_has_option() # get_option_flags() # # emulate those methods. # # insert_option_value() -- assigns an option value to matching 'dest' attr # show_parser_options() -- pretty print options, 'dest' attrs, values. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def parser_has_option(parser, option): return option in parser._option_string_actions
[docs]def get_option_flags(parser, option): return parser._option_string_actions[option].option_strings
[docs]def insert_option_value(parser, args, option, value): dest = parser._option_string_actions[option].dest setattr(args, dest, value) return
[docs]def show_parser_options(parser, args): all_opts = list(parser.__dict__['_option_string_actions'].keys()) handled_flag_set = [] print("\n\t"+"-"*20+" switches, vars, vals "+"-"*20+"\n") print("\t Literals\t\t\tvar 'dest'\t\tValue") print("\t", "-"*65) for opt in all_opts: all_option_flags = get_option_flags(parser, opt) if opt in handled_flag_set: continue elif "--help" in all_option_flags: continue elif "--version" in all_option_flags: continue else: handled_flag_set.extend(all_option_flags) dvar = parser.__dict__['_option_string_actions'][opt].__dict__['dest'] val = args.__dict__[dvar] fmt1 = "\t{}".format(all_option_flags) fmt2 = ":: {} ".format(dvar) fmt3 = ":: {}".format(val) fmtf = fmt1.ljust(33) + fmt2.ljust(24) + fmt3 print(fmtf) print("\t"+"-"*65+"\n") return
[docs]def set_btypes(userparams): """ All cmd line args are delivered as strings. Find any user parameters that should be other python types and set them to those actual corresponding types. I.e., 'None' --> None 'True' --> True 'False' --> False :parameters userparams: user parameters (if any) passed on the command line. :type userparms: <list> :returns: A tuple of same parameters with converted None and boolean types. preserved with any specified primitive name. E.g., [('foo','bar'), ('tileArrays:par1','val1')] :rtype: <list> of tuples. """ upars = [] if userparams: for upar in userparams: tmp = upar.split("=") spec, val = tmp[0].strip(), tmp[1].strip() if val == 'None': val = None elif val == 'True': val = True elif val == 'False': val = False upars.append((spec,val)) return upars
[docs]def normalize_args(args): """ Convert argparse argument lists to single string values. :parameter args: argparse Namespace object or equivalent :type args: <Namespace> :return: Same with converted types. :rtype: <Namespace> """ if isinstance(args.adpkg, list): args.adpkg = args.adpkg[0] if isinstance(args.drpkg, list): args.drpkg = args.drpkg[0] if isinstance(args.recipename, list): args.recipename = args.recipename[0] if localmanager_available: if isinstance(args.local_db_dir, list): args.local_db_dir = args.local_db_dir[0] if isinstance(args.logmode, list): args.logmode = args.logmode[0] if isinstance(args.logfile, list): args.logfile = args.logfile[0] if isinstance(args.suffix, list): args.suffix = args.suffix[0] return args
[docs]def normalize_upload(upload): """ For Recipe System v2.0, upload shall now be a list of things to send to fitsstore. E.g., $ reduce --upload metrics <file.fits> <file2.fits> $ reduce --upload metrics, calibs <file.fits> <file2.fits> $ reduce --upload metrics, calibs, science <file.fits> <file2.fits> Result in upload == ['metrics'] upload == ['metrics', 'calibs'] upload == ['metrics', 'calibs', 'science'] :parameter upload: upload argument received by the reduce command line. :type upload: <list> :return: list of coerced or defaulted upload instructions. :rtype: <list> """ if upload and isinstance(upload, list): splitc = upload if len(upload) > 1 else upload[0].split(',') return [c.lower() for c in splitc] elif upload is None: pass else: raise TypeError("upload must be None or a list") return
[docs]def normalize_ucals(files, cals): """ When a user passes a --user_cal argument of the form, --user_cal processed_bias:/path/to/foo.fits The parser produces a user calibrations list like, ['processed_bias:/path/to/foo.fits'] This list would pass to the Reduce __init__ as such, but, this function will translate and apply all user cals to all passed files. {(ad.calibration_key(), 'processed_bias'): '/path/to/foo.fits'} This dictionary is of the same form as the calibrations dictionary for retrieved and stored calibrations. User calibrations always take precedence over nominal calibration retrieval. User calibrations are not cached because they are not retrieved from fitsstore and are presumably on disk. Parameters ---------- files : list A list containing the input files. cals : list A list of strings like, 'caltype:calfilepath'. Returns ------- normalz : dict a dictionary of the cal types applied to input files. Example ------- a returned dict, {('GS-2017A-Q-32-7-029', 'processed_flat'): '/path/to/XXX_flat.fits'} """ normalz = {} if cals is None: return normalz for cal in cals: ctype, cpath = cal.split(":") scal, stype = ctype.split("_") caltags = {scal.upper(), stype.upper()} cad = try: assert caltags.issubset(cad.tags) except AssertionError: errmsg = "Calibration type {}\ndoes not match file {}" raise TypeError(errmsg.format(ctype, cpath)) for f in files: ad = normalz.update({(ad.calibration_key(), ctype): cpath}) return normalz