Source code for recipe_system.utils.mapper_utils

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Utility functions for Mappers.

    find_user_recipe  -- searches for a user specified recipe, if any.
    dotpath()         -- build a python import path for dr packages.

import os
import sys

from importlib import import_module
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RECIPEMARKER = 'recipes'
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[docs]def find_user_recipe(dashr): """ Function receives the value of the reduce [-r, --recipe] flag, if passed. This will be a path to a recipe file and a dotted recipe name, which exists as a function in the recipe file. A properly specified user recipe shall contain one, and only one, dot operator. If the recipefile.recipename cannot be found on the path, whether specified or implied (as cwd), then None is returned. The string value of dashr will look like, -r '/path/to/users/recipes/recipefile.recipe_function' -r 'recipefile.recipe_function' -- recipe file in cwd. A recipe name with no dot operator implies a recipe name in the system recipe library. :parameter dashr: a path to a recipe file dotted with a recipe function name. :type dashr: <str> :returns: imported recipe function OR None :rtype: <type 'function'> or None """ rpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(dashr)) addsyspath, recipe = os.path.split(rpath) try: modname, rname = recipe.split('.') except ValueError: return None sys.path.append(addsyspath) rmod = import_module(modname) try: recipefn = getattr(rmod, rname) except AttributeError: recipefn = None return recipefn
[docs]def dotpath(*args): """ Build an import path from args. :parameter args: a set of arguments of arbitrary length :type args: <list>, implied by * :returns: a dot path to an importable module :rtype: <str> """ return os.extsep.join(args)