Source code for recipe_system.utils.decorators

This module provides decorator functions for implementing the (somewhat TBD)
parameter override policy of the prototype primitive classes. This implementation
is subject to any change in policy.

Currently, the policy defines an order of parameter precedence:

1. *user parameters*-- as passed by -p on the reduce command line. These take
   full precedence over any other parameter setting. User parameters may be
   primitive-specific, as in `-p makeFringeFrame:reject_method=jilt` in which
   case, only that primitive's parameter will be overridden. Other primitives
   with the same parameter (e.g. `reject_method` is also a parameter for
   `stackFlats`) will remain unaffected. If a user passes an un-specified
   parameter, as in `reject_method=jilt`, then any primitive with that parameter
   will receive that parameter value.
2. *recipe parameters* -- as passed on a recipe function call, like
   `recipe_name(par1=val1)`. These will be overridden by same named user
3. *default parameters* -- The default parameter sets as defined in package
   parameter files. These will be overridden by recipe parameters and then
   user parameters when applicable.

This policy is implemented in the decorator function,


This is the primitive decorator and should be the only one decorating a
primitive class.

This decorator is fully enhanced by the make_class_wrapper decorator, which
maps the parameter_override decorator function to all public methods on
the decorated class.


    from pkg_utilities.decorators import parameter_override

    class PrimitivesIMAGE(PrimitivesGMOS):
        def __init__(self, adinputs, uparms={}):
            [ . . . ]

import gc
import inspect
import json
import traceback
from datetime import datetime

from functools import wraps
from copy import copy, deepcopy

import geminidr
from astrodata import AstroData
from astrodata.provenance import add_provenance_history, clone_provenance, clone_provenance_history

from gempy.utils import logutils
from recipe_system.utils.md5 import md5sum

[docs]def memusage(): import psutil proc = psutil.Process() return '{:9.3f}'.format(float(proc.memory_info().rss) / 1e6)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOGINDENT = 0 log = logutils.get_logger(__name__) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def userpar_override(pname, args, upars): """ Implement user parameter overrides. In this implementation, user parameters *always* take precedence. Any user parameters passed to the Primitive class constructor, usually via -p on the 'reduce' command line, *must* override any specified recipe parameters. Note: user parameters may be primitive-specific, i.e. passed as -p makeFringeFrame:reject_method='jilt' in which case, the parameter will only be overridden for that primitive. Other primitives with the same parameter (e.g. stackFlats reject_method) will not be affected. This returns a dict of the overridden parameters and their values. """ parset = {} for key, val in list(upars.items()): if ':' in key: prim, par = key.split(':') if prim == pname and par in args: parset.update({par: val}) elif key in args: parset.update({key: val}) return parset
[docs]def set_logging(pname): global LOGINDENT LOGINDENT += 1 logutils.update_indent(LOGINDENT) #stat_msg = "{} PRIMITIVE: {}".format(memusage(), pname) stat_msg = "PRIMITIVE: {}".format(pname) log.status(stat_msg) log.status("-" * len(stat_msg)) return
[docs]def unset_logging(): global LOGINDENT log.status(".") LOGINDENT -= 1 logutils.update_indent(LOGINDENT) return
[docs]def zeroset(): global LOGINDENT LOGINDENT = 0 logutils.update_indent(LOGINDENT) return
# -------------------------------- decorators ----------------------------------
[docs]def make_class_wrapper(wrapped): @wraps(wrapped) def class_wrapper(cls): for attr_name, attr_fn in list(cls.__dict__.items()): if attr_name.startswith("_") or not callable(attr_fn): # no prive,magic continue setattr(cls, attr_name, wrapped(attr_fn)) return cls return class_wrapper
def _get_provenance_inputs(adinputs): """ gets the input information for a future call to store provenance history. The AstroData inputs can change during the call to a primitive. We use this helper function to extract the 'before' state of things so that we can accurately record provenance history. After the primitive returns, we have the AstroData objects into which we'll want to record this information. Args ----- adinputs : list of incoming `AstroData` objects We expect to be called before the primitive executes, since we want to capture the state of the adinputs before they may be modified. Returns -------- `dict` by datalabel of dictionaries with the filename, md5, provenance and provenance_history data from the inputs """ retval = dict() for ad in adinputs: if ad.path: md5 = md5sum(ad.path) or "" else: md5 = "" if hasattr(ad, 'PROVENANCE'): provenance = ad.PROVENANCE.copy() else: provenance = [] if hasattr(ad, 'PROVHISTORY'): provenance_history = ad.PROVHISTORY.copy() else: provenance_history = [] retval[ad.data_label()] = \ { "filename": ad.filename, "md5": md5, "provenance": provenance, "provenance_history": provenance_history } return retval def _clone_provenance_deprecated(provenance_input, ad): """ For a single input's provenance, copy it into the output `AstroData` object as appropriate. This takes a dictionary with a source filename, md5 and both it's original provenance and provenance_history information. It duplicates the provenance data into the outgoing `AstroData` ad object. Args ----- provenance_input : dictionary with provenance data from a single input. We only care about the `provenance` element, which holds a list of provenance data ad : outgoing `AstroData` object to add provenance data to Returns -------- none """ provenance = provenance_input["provenance"] for prov in provenance: ad.add_provenance(prov)
[docs]def __top_level_primitive__(): """ Check if we are at the top-level, not being called from another primitive. We only want to capture provenance history when we are passing through the uppermost primitive calls. These are the calls that get made from the recipe. """ for trace in inspect.stack(): if "self" in trace[0].f_locals: inst = trace[0].f_locals["self"] if isinstance(inst, geminidr.PrimitivesBASE): return False # if we encounter no primitives above this decorator, then this is a top level primitive call return True
def _capture_provenance(provenance_inputs, ret_value, timestamp_start, fn, args): """ Add the given provenance data to the outgoing `AstroData` objects in ret_value, with an additional provenance entry for the current operation. This is a fairly specific function that does a couple of things. First, it will iterate over collected provenance and history data in provenance_inputs and add them as appropriate to the outgoing `AstroData` in ret_value. Second, it takes the current operation, expressed in timestamp_start, fn and args, and adds that to the outgoing ret_value objects' provenance as well. Args ----- provenance_inputs : provenance and provenance history information to add This is an dictionary keyed by datalabel of dictionaries with the relevant provenance for that particular input. Each dictionary contains the filename, md5 and the provenance and provenance_history of that `AstroData` prior to execution of the primitive. ret_value : outgoing list of `AstroData` data fn : name of the function (primitive) being executed args : arguments that are being passed to the primitive Returns -------- none """ if not __top_level_primitive__(): # We're inside a primitive being called from another, we want to omit this # from the provenance. Only the recipe calls are relevant. return try: timestamp = for ad in ret_value: if ad.data_label() in provenance_inputs: # output corresponds to an input, we only need to copy from there clone_provenance(provenance_inputs[ad.data_label()]['provenance'], ad) clone_provenance_history(provenance_inputs[ad.data_label()]['provenance_history'], ad) else: if hasattr(ad, 'PROVHISTORY'): clone_hist = False else: clone_hist = True for provenance_input in provenance_inputs.values(): clone_provenance(provenance_input['provenance'], ad) if clone_hist: clone_provenance_history(provenance_input['provenance_history'], ad) for ad in ret_value: add_provenance_history(ad, timestamp_start, timestamp, fn.__name__, args) except Exception as e: # we don't want provenance failures to prevent data reduction log.warn("Unable to save provenance information, continuing on: %s" % e) traceback.print_exc()
[docs]@make_class_wrapper def parameter_override(fn): @wraps(fn) def gn(pobj, *args, **kwargs): pname = fn.__name__ # for provenance information stringified_args = "%s" % kwargs timestamp_start = # Start with the config file to get list of parameters # Copy to avoid permanent changes; shallow copy is OK if pname not in pobj.params: err_msg = ('Could not find "{}Config" configuration in "{}" module' ' or any parent module.') raise KeyError(err_msg.format( pname, pobj.__module__.replace("primitives", "parameters"))) config = copy(pobj.params[pname]) # Find user parameter overrides params = userpar_override(pname, list(config), pobj.user_params) set_logging(pname) # Override with values in the function call for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in params: log.warning('Parameter {}={} was set but will be ignored ' 'because the recipe enforces a different value ' '(={})'.format(k, params[k], v)) params.update(kwargs) # config doesn't know about streams or adinputs instream = params.get('instream', params.get('stream', 'main')) outstream = params.get('outstream', params.get('stream', 'main')) adinputs = params.get('adinputs') for k in ('adinputs', 'stream', 'instream', 'outstream'): try: del params[k] except KeyError: pass # Can update config now it only has parameters it knows about config.update(**params) config.validate() if len(args) == 0 and adinputs is None: # Use appropriate stream input/output # Many primitives operate on AD instances in situ, so need to # copy inputs if they're going to a new output stream if instream != outstream: adinputs = [deepcopy(ad) for ad in pobj.streams[instream]] else: # Allow a non-existent stream to be passed adinputs = pobj.streams.get(instream, []) try: provenance_inputs = _get_provenance_inputs(adinputs) fnargs = dict(config.items()) stringified_args = json.dumps({k: v for k, v in fnargs.items() if not k.startswith('debug_')}, default=lambda v: v.filename if hasattr(v, 'filename') else '<not serializable>') ret_value = fn(pobj, adinputs=adinputs, **fnargs) _capture_provenance(provenance_inputs, ret_value, timestamp_start, fn, stringified_args) except Exception: zeroset() raise # And place the outputs in the appropriate stream pobj.streams[outstream] = ret_value else: if args: # if not, adinputs has already been assigned from params adinputs = args[0] try: if isinstance(adinputs, AstroData): raise TypeError("Single AstroData instance passed to primitive, should be a list") provenance_inputs = _get_provenance_inputs(adinputs) ret_value = fn(pobj, adinputs=adinputs, **dict(config.items())) _capture_provenance(provenance_inputs, ret_value, timestamp_start, fn, stringified_args) except Exception: zeroset() raise unset_logging() gc.collect() return ret_value return gn