4. Using the Mappers API
The Mapper
base class provides no functionality, rather its purpose is to
define all the attributes for instances built from subclasses of Mapper.
Though not strictly an abstract class, the Mapper
base class cannot be used
on its own.
The subclasses, PrimitiveMapper
and RecipeMapper
, do not override
. They implement mapping routines aiming to find the
primitives and recipes that best match the input data.
The mappers require a Data Reduction Package itself containing Instrument Packages. We discuss these packages and how to build the basic directory structure for them in the Appendix.
Below, we use the geminidr
data reduction package when we need an
example. Note that geminidr
is the default package unless it is overridden
with the drpkg
4.1. Selecting Primitives with PrimitiveMapper
Primitive classes are defined in a Data Reduction (DR) Package. For the Gemini
instruments that is the geminidr
package. The DR Package to use by the
mapper is set by the drpkg
argument to mapper.
These primitive classes define methods, referred to as primitives, that provide data processing functionality. Primitive classes in a DR Package are structured hierarchically and may employ multiple inheritance.
In Figure 4.1 below, we show an example of primitive class inheritance as done
in geminidr
, with GMOSImage
the primitive class inheriting and
mixing-in the other classes. In general, the class inheriting others will also
have longer, more specific tagsets. This will ensure that the mapping for
a GMOS image, if we follow the example in Figure 4.1, does return the
GMOSImage class as the best match, not GMOS, not GEMINI.
The GMOSImage primitive class, by inheriting all of the classes above it and hence all their methods (aka primitives) becomes a complete set of primitives that can be applied to a GMOS IMAGE. It becomes a primitive set.
Generic primitive classes like CCD, Image, Photometry in Figure 4.1 normally should have empty tagsets.

Figure 4.1: An example of primitive class inheritance. (A section of
Hereafter, a Primitive class may be referred to as a “primitive set” or just “primitives”. Through inheritance, a primitive class collects many primitives from higher in the hierarchy. The primitive set implies the whole collection more clearly than just referring to the primitive class.
4.1.1. Mapping Data to Primitives
requires as input a list of AstroData tags and the name
of an instrument packages.
The mapping is done by matching the primitive set’s tagset
to the AstroData tags.
The primitive set is instantiated as follow, where ad
is an AstroData
>>> from recipe_system.mappers.primitiveMapper import PrimitiveMapper
>>> tags = ad.tags
>>> instpkg = ad.instrument(generic=True).lower()
>>> pmapper = PrimitiveMapper(tags, instpkg)
>>> pclass = pmapper.get_applicable_primitives()
>>> p = pclass([ad])
This p
can now be passed to the best match recipe. Example
Let us discuss an example. Let us use a raw GMOS image.
>>> ad = astrodata.open('S20161025S0111.fits')
>>> ad.tags
The PrimitiveMapper
uses these tags to search the geminidr
packages, or
the data reduction package specified in the mapper attribute drpkg
. The
first step in the search is to narrow it to the applicable instrument package,
in this case, gmos
. The mapper enforces the rule that the directory name
for the instrument package be the lower case version of the AstroData descriptor
. This speeds up the search but it is also a limitation.
The PrimitiveMapper
instance stores the name of the package it will search
in the dotpackage
attribute. For example, using the GMOS ad
>>> from recipe_system.mappers.primitiveMapper import PrimitiveMapper
>>> pmapper = PrimitiveMapper([ad])
>>> pmappmer.dotpackage
The public method get_applicable_primitives()
, when invoked, launches the
search for the most appropriate primitive class. The search itself is focused
on finding class objects with a tagset
>>> pclass = pmapper.get_applicable_primitives()
In the case of GMOS, the tagsets
in primitive classes hierarchy
(Figure 4.1 above) are:
class Gemini( ... ):
tagset = set(["GEMINI"])
class GMOS(Gemini, ... ):
tagset = set(["GEMINI", "GMOS"])
class GMOSImage(GMOS, ... ):
tagset = set(["GEMINI", "GMOS", "IMAGE"])
The function looks to match the tagset
of the primitive class it finds to
the AstroData tags. A successful match requires tagset
to be
a subset of the Astrodata tags. The match with the largest subset wins the
contest. In our example, the class GMOSImage
wins. Indeed:
>>> pclass
<class 'geminidr.gmos.primitives_gmos_image.GMOSImage'>
To use this selection of primitives, one then needs to instantiate it:
>>> p = pclass([ad])
This can be used by a recipe.
4.2. Selecting Recipes with RecipeMapper
Recipes are functions that receive a single argument: an instance of a primitive class. Recipe functions are not classes and do not (cannot) inherit. The recipe simply defines the primitives to be used and the order in which the primitive calls are made on the data.
Recipe functions are defined in python modules which we refer to as
recipe libraries. The location of those modules in a data reduction package
must obey some rules; they must be located in an instrument package under a
subdirectory named recipes
and therein in a subdirectory that matches the
setting. The RecipeMapper
searches only such directories. For
4.2.1. Mapping Data to Recipes
At a minimum, RecipeMapper
requires as input a list of AstroData tags and
the name of an instrument package. The mapping is
done by matching the recipe library’s recipe_tags
module attribute
to the AstroData tags of the first input element.
The recipe is obtained as follow, where ad
is an AstroData object:
>>> from recipe_system.mappers.recipeMapper import RecipeMapper
>>> tags = ad.tags
>>> instpkg = ad.instrument(generic=True).lower()
>>> rmapper = RecipeMapper(tags, instpkg)
>>> recipe = rmapper.get_applicable_recipe()
>>> recipe.__name__
The recipe can then be run by passing it a primitive set (see the section above on primitive mapping):
>>> recipe(p) Example
Let us discuss an example. Let us use a raw GMOS image.
>>> ad = astrodata.open('S20161025S0111.fits')
>>> ad.tags
The RecipeMapper
uses these tags to search the geminidr
packages, or
the data reduction package specified in the mapper attribute drpkg
. The
first step in the search is to narrow it to the applicable instrument package,
in this case, gmos
. The mapper enforces the rule that the directory name
for the instrument package be the lower case version of the AstroData descriptor
. This speeds up the search but it is also a limitation.
Next, it narrows the search to the subdirectory recipes
and then the
subdirectory therein named after the mode
. The default mode
is sq
. In our example, this means gmos/recipes/sq/
The RecipeMapper
instance stores the name of the instrument, and thus the
name of the instrument package in the pkg
attribute, which is set upon
instantiation from the .instrument()
descriptor of the first AstroData
object in the input list. For example, using the GMOS ad
>>> from recipe_system.mappers.recipeMapper import RecipeMapper
>>> tags = ad.tags
>>> instpkg = ad.instrument(generic=True).lower()
>>> rmapper = RecipeMapper(tags, instpkg)
>>> recipe = rmapper.get_applicable_recipe()
The public method get_applicable_recipe()
, when invoked, launches the
search for the most appropriate recipe library. The search itself is focused
on finding modules with a recipe_tags
>>> recipe = rmapper.get_applicable_recipe()
The function looks to match the recipe_tags
of the recipe libraries it
finds to the AstroData tags. A successful match requires recipe_tags
be a subset of the Astrodata tags. The match with the largest subset wins the
contest. In our example, the recipe library recipes_IMAGE
of mode sq
GMOS wins. In there, the default recipe is named reduce
>>> recipe.__name__
>>> recipe.__module__
4.2.2. Selecting External (User) Recipes
It is possible to bypass the recipe mapping entirely and request the use
of a user recipe library and recipe. It is simply a matter of setting the
to the path to the recipe library and to the name of the recipe
when the RecipeMapper
is instantiated. The RecipeMapper
imports the file
and returns the recipe function object.
While some users may have set their PYTHONPATH
to include such arbitrary
locations, which would allow the myrecipes
module to be imported directly,
most people will not have such paths in their PYTHONPATH
, and would not be
able to directly import their recipe file without modifying their environment.
Using the RecipeMapper lets users avoid this hassle because it handles import
>>> rm = RecipeMapper(adinputs, recipename='/path/to/myrecipes.myreduce')
>>> recipefn = rm.get_applicable_recipe()
>>> recipefn.__name__
Note that for user supplied recipe libraries and functions, the mode
, the
, the drpkg
, and the tags are irrelevant. Essentially,
passing a user-defined recipe to the RecipeMapper tells the mapper, “do not
search but use this.” In these cases, it is incumbent upon the users and
developers to ensure that the external recipes specified are actually applicable
to the datasets being processed.
4.2.3. Primitives and Recipes, Together at Last
To summarize the mapper usage described in this chapter, to launch a reduction one does:
>>> tags = ad.tags
>>> instpkg = ad.instrument(generic=True).lower()
>>> rmapper = RecipeMapper(tags, instpkg)
>>> pmapper = PrimitiveMapper(tags, instpkg)
>>> recipe = rmapper.get_applicable_recipe()
>>> pclass = pmapper.get_applicable_primitives()
>>> p = pclass([ad])
>>> recipe(p)
This is essentially what the Reduce
class does.
4.3. Using the Primitives Directly
The primitves in the selected primitive set can be used directly. The recipe is just a function that calls some primitives from the set in some pre-defined order. This usage can be useful for testing, debugging or interactive use.
The primitive set is obtained as shown in the previous section, using the
and its get_applicable_primitives
method. To retrieve
the list of primitives from the primitive set, one can do this:
>>> import inspect
>>> for item in dir(p):
... if not item.startswith('_') and \
... inspect.ismethod(getattr(p, item)):
... print(item)
The primitive set has been initialized with a list of AstroData objects. Running a primitive on them only requires calling the primitive as a method of the primitive set.
The exact call depends on the primitive itself. In geminidr
, the
primitives use a streams
attribute to store the AstroData objects being
processed in such a way that those objects do not need to be passed to the
primitives when called. For example:
>>> p.prepare()
>>> p.addVAR()
The syntax above uses streams to pass the data along from one primitive to
the next. The streams are attributes of the geminidr
class that all geminidr
primitive classes inherit. When writing a new
data reduction package, the use of that base class, and the
decorator in recipe_system.utils.decorators
, is
required to benefit from the streams system.
It is also recommended, and indeed the primitives in geminidr
do that, to
have the primitives methods return the modified output AstroData objects. When
streams are used, return values are not necessary, but for debugging,
testing, or exploration purposes it can be handy. For example, one can do
>>> intermediate_outputs = p.prepare()
A logger is currently required. The logger in gempy.utils
is used by the recipe_system. The output will go to
both stdout and a logfile. If the logfile is not defined, it leads
double-printing of the logging on stdout. To avoid the double-
printing the logfile name must be set to something. If you do not want to
write a logfile to disk, on Unix systems you can set the file name to
>>> from gempy.utils import logutils
>>> logutils.config(file_name='/dev/null')
Here is what the stdout logging looks like when a primitive is run directly:
>>> p.prepare()
PRIMITIVE: prepare
PRIMITIVE: validateData
PRIMITIVE: standardizeStructure
PRIMITIVE: standardizeHeaders
PRIMITIVE: standardizeObservatoryHeaders
Updating keywords that are common to all Gemini data
PRIMITIVE: standardizeInstrumentHeaders
Updating keywords that are specific to GMOS
[<gemini_instruments.gmos.adclass.AstroDataGmos object at 0x11a12d650>]
Of interest when running the primitives in this way are the contents of the
and params
attributes of the primitive set.
The streams and params are features of the geminidr
class, the parameter_override
decorator, and the pexconfig
parameter system used in geminidr
. For the time being, developers of new
DR packages must use those systems.
The main stream that allows the data to be passed from one primitive to the
other without the need of arguments is p.streams['main']
. When the
primitive set is instantiated by get_applicable_primitives
, the input
AstroData objects are stored in that stream. If for some reason you need
to repopulate that stream, do something like this:
>>> new_inputs = [ad1, ad2, ... adn]
>>> p.streams['main'] = new_inputs
The input parameters to the primitives are stored in the primitive set in
. For example, to see the parameters to the prepare
primitive and their current settings:
>>> p.params['prepare'].toDict()
OrderedDict([('suffix', '_prepared'), ('mdf', None), ('attach_mdf', True)])
Or, prettier
>>> print(*p.params['prepare'].toDict().items(), sep='\n')
('suffix', '_prepared')
('mdf', None)
('attach_mdf', True)
If you need guidance as to the recommended sequence of primitives, you can
inspect the recipes returned by the RecipeMapper
>>> from recipe_system.mappers.recipeMapper import RecipeMapper
>>> tags = ad.tags
>>> instpkg = ad.instrument(generic=True).lower()
>>> rmapper = RecipeMapper(tags, instpkg)
>>> recipe = rmapper.get_applicable_recipe()
>>> recipe.__name__
>>> import inspect
>>> print(inspect.getsource(recipe.__code__))
def reduce(p):
This recipe performs the standardization and corrections needed to
convert the raw input science images into a stacked image.
p : PrimitivesBASE object
A primitive set matching the recipe_tags.