1. Overview
This is a collection of tutorials for the reduction of NIRI data with DRAGONS.
NIRI is a near-infrared imager. The spectroscopic features of NIRI have been decommissioned several years ago. As such, this tutorial series focuses on the reduction of NIRI imaging data.
In here are tutorials that you, the reader, can run and experiment with. This document comes with a downloadable data package that contains all the data you need to run the examples presented. Instructions on where to get that package and how to set things up are given in Downloading the tutorial datasets.
At this time, the NIRI tutorial series contains only one scientific example, the reduction of an extended source. In all cases, the reduction can be done in two different ways:
From the terminal using the command line.
From Python using the DRAGONS classes and functions.
We show how to run the same reduction using both methods.
We plan to add additional examples in the future.
See the DRAGONS Installation Instructions to install the software if you have not already.