3. Setting up the Calibration Service

DRAGONS comes with a local calibration manager that uses the same calibration association rules as the Gemini Observatory Archive. This allows the command line “reduce” (and the API Reduce instance, not documented here) to make requests to a local light-weight database for matching processed calibrations when needed to reduce a dataset.

Below we show how to configure the database and then how to initialize and use it from the command line and from the API.

If you need more details, check the “caldb” documentation in the Recipe System User Manual.

3.1. The Configuration File

The database is configured in the DRAGONS configuration file under the [calibs] section.

In ~/.dragons/, create or edit the configuration file dragonsrc as follow:

databases = ${path_tqo_my_data}/ghost_tutorial/playground/cal_manager.db get store

The [calibs] section tells the system where to put the calibration database and how to name it. Here we use cal_manager.db to match what was used in the pre-v3.1 version of DRAGONS, but you can now set the name of the database to what suits your needs and preferences.

That local database will keep track of the processed calibrations that we are going to send to it. With the “get” and “store” options, the database will be used by DRAGONS to automatically get matching calibrations and to automatically store master calibrations that you produce. If you remove the “store” option you will have to caldb add (command line) or caldb.add_cal() (API) your calibration product yourself (like what needed to be done in DRAGONS v3.0).


The tilde (~) in the path above refers to your home directory. Also, mind the dot in .dragons.

3.2. Usage from the Command Line

To initialize (create) the database run:

caldb init

That’s it. It is ready to use. You can check the configuration and confirm the settings with caldb config. On the command line, if the database already exists it will refuse to act and will let you know. If you do want to delete the existing database and start fresh, use the “wipe” option: caldb init -w.

You can manually add processed calibrations with caldb add <filename>, list the database content with caldb list, and caldb remove <filename> to remove a file from the database (it will not remove the file on disk.)