2.1. Introduction
This is the AstroData User’s Manual. AstroData is a DRAGONS package.
The current chapter covers basic concepts
like what is the astrodata
package and how to install it (together with the
other DRAGONS’ packages). Chapter 2
explains with more details what is AstroData
and how the data is represented
using it. Chapter 3 describes input and output operations and
how multi-extension (MEF) FITS files are represented. Chapter 4
provides information regarding the TagSet
class, its usage and a few advanced
topics. In Chapter 5 you will find information about the FITS
headers and how to access/modify the metadata. The last two chapters,
Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 cover more details
about how to read, manipulate and write pixel data and tables, respectively.
If you are looking for a quick reference, please, have a look on the Cheat Sheet.
2.1.1. Reference Documents
2.1.2. What is astrodata
is a package that wraps together tools to represent internally
astronomical datasets stored on disks and to properly parse their metadata
using the AstroData
and the TagSet
classes. astrodata
provides uniform
interfaces for working on datasets from different
instruments. Once a dataset has been opened with astrodata
, the object
“knows about itself”. Information like instrument, observation mode, and how
to access headers, is readily available through the uniform interface. All
the details are coded inside the class associated with the instrument, that
class then provides the interface. The appropriate class is selected
automatically when the file is opened and inspected by astrodata
Currently astrodata
implements a representation for Multi-Extension FITS
(MEF) files. (Other representations can be implemented.)
2.1.3. Installing Astrodata
The astrodata
package has a few dependencies, Astropy, Numpy and others.
The best way to get everything you need is to install Miniconda, and the
DRAGONS stack from conda-forge and Gemini’s public conda channel.
itself is part of DRAGONS. It is available from the
repository, as a tar file, or as a conda package. The bare astrodata
does not do much by itself, it needs a companion instrument definitions
package. For Gemini, this is gemini_instruments
, also included in
We are in the process of making astrodata
an Astropy affiliated
package. For now, DRAGONS uses the astrodata
integrated with
DRAGONS not the affiliated package. Installing Miniforge and the DRAGONS stack
This is required whether you are installing DRAGONS from the repository, the tar file or the conda package.
To avoid duplication, please follow the installation guide provided in the Recipe System User Manual: Smoke test the Astrodata installation
From the configured bash shell:
$ type python
python is hashed (<home_path>/anaconda3/envs/dragons/python)
Make sure that python is indeed pointing to the Anaconda environment you
have just set up.
$ python
>>> import astrodata
>>> import gemini_instruments
Expected result: Just a python prompt and no error messages. Source code availability
The source code is available on Github:
2.1.4. Try it yourself
Try it yourself
Download the data package if you wish to follow along and run the examples presented in this manual. It is available at:
Unpack it:
$ cd <somewhere_convenient>
$ tar xvf ad_usermanual_datapkg-v1.tar
$ bunzip2 ad_usermanual/playdata/*.bz2
$ cd ad_usermanual/playground
$ python
2.1.5. Astrodata Support
Astrodata is developed and supported by staff at the Gemini Observatory. Questions about the reduction of Gemini data should be directed to the Gemini Helpdesk system at https://noirlab.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/12 The github issue tracker can be used to report software bugs in DRAGONS (https://github.com/GeminiDRSoftware/DRAGONS).