Source code for astrodata.testing

Fixtures to be used in tests in DRAGONS

import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import urllib
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
from contextlib import contextmanager

import pytest
from import download_file

URL = ''

[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope="session") def astrofaker(): """ Wrapper fixture that prevents undesired behaviour when using astrofaker. """ return pytest.importorskip("astrofaker")
[docs]def assert_most_close(actual, desired, max_miss, rtol=1e-7, atol=0, equal_nan=True, verbose=True): """ Raises an AssertionError if the number of elements in two objects that are not equal up to desired tolerance is greater than expected. See Also -------- :func:`~numpy.testing.assert_allclose` Parameters ---------- actual : array_like Array obtained. desired : array_like Array desired. max_miss : iny Maximum number of mismatched elements. rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance. atol : float, optional Absolute tolerance. equal_nan : bool, optional. If True, NaNs will compare equal. verbose : bool, optional If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message. Raises ------ AssertionError If actual and desired are not equal up to specified precision. """ from numpy.testing import assert_allclose try: assert_allclose(actual, desired, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan, err_msg='', rtol=rtol, verbose=verbose) except AssertionError as e: n_miss = e.args[0].split('\n')[3].split(':')[-1].split('(')[0].split('/')[0] n_miss = int(n_miss.strip()) if n_miss > max_miss: error_message = ( "%g mismatching elements are more than the " % n_miss + "expected %g." % max_miss + '\n'.join(e.args[0].split('\n')[3:])) raise AssertionError(error_message)
[docs]def assert_most_equal(actual, desired, max_miss, verbose=True): """ Raises an AssertionError if more than `n` elements in two objects are not equal. For more information, check :func:`numpy.testing.assert_equal`. Parameters ---------- actual : array_like The object to check. desired : array_like The expected object. max_miss : int Maximum number of mismatched elements. verbose : bool, optional If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message. Raises ------ AssertionError If actual and desired are not equal. """ from numpy.testing import assert_equal try: assert_equal(actual, desired, err_msg='', verbose=verbose) except AssertionError as e: n_miss = e.args[0].split('\n')[3].split(':')[-1].split('(')[0].split('/')[0] n_miss = int(n_miss.strip()) if n_miss > max_miss: error_message = ( "%g mismatching elements are more than the " % n_miss + "expected %g." % max_miss + '\n'.join(e.args[0].split('\n')[3:])) raise AssertionError(error_message)
[docs]def assert_same_class(ad, ad_ref): """ Compare if two :class:`~astrodata.AstroData` (or any subclass) have the same class. Parameters ---------- ad : :class:`astrodata.AstroData` or any subclass AstroData object to be checked. ad_ref : :class:`astrodata.AstroData` or any subclass AstroData object used as reference """ from astrodata import AstroData assert isinstance(ad, AstroData) assert isinstance(ad_ref, AstroData) assert isinstance(ad, type(ad_ref))
[docs]def compare_models(model1, model2, rtol=1e-7, atol=0., check_inverse=True): """ Check that any two models are the same, within some tolerance on parameters (using the same defaults as numpy.assert_allclose()). This is constructed like a test, rather than returning True/False, in order to provide more useful information as to how the models differ when a test fails (and with more concise syntax). If `check_inverse` is True (the default), only first-level inverses are compared, to avoid unending recursion, since the inverse of an inverse should be the supplied input model, if defined. The types of any inverses (and their inverses in turn) are required to match whether or not their parameters etc. are compared. This function might not completely guarantee that model1 & model2 are identical for some models whose evaluation depends on class-specific parameters controlling how the array of model `parameters` is interpreted (eg. the orders in SIP?), but it does cover our common use of compound models involving orthonormal polynomials etc. """ from astropy.modeling import Model from numpy.testing import assert_allclose if not (isinstance(model1, Model) and isinstance(model2, Model)): raise TypeError('Inputs must be Model instances') if model1 is model2: return # Require each model to be composed of same number of constituent models: assert model1.n_submodels == model2.n_submodels # Treat everything like an iterable compound model: if model1.n_submodels == 1: model1 = [model1] model2 = [model2] # Compare the constituent model definitions: for m1, m2 in zip(model1, model2): assert type(m1) == type(m2) assert len(m1.parameters) == len(m2.parameters) # NB. For 1D models the degrees match if the numbers of parameters do if hasattr(m1, 'x_degree'): assert m1.x_degree == m2.x_degree if hasattr(m1, 'y_degree'): assert m1.y_degree == m2.y_degree if hasattr(m1, 'domain'): assert m1.domain == m2.domain if hasattr(m1, 'x_domain'): assert m1.x_domain == m2.x_domain if hasattr(m1, 'y_domain'): assert m1.y_domain == m2.y_domain # Compare the model parameters (coefficients): assert_allclose(model1.parameters, model2.parameters, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) # Now check for any inverse models and require them both to have the same # type or be undefined: try: inverse1 = model1.inverse except NotImplementedError: inverse1 = None try: inverse2 = model2.inverse except NotImplementedError: inverse2 = None assert type(inverse1) == type(inverse2) # Compare inverses only if they exist and are not the forward model itself: if inverse1 is None or (inverse1 is model1 and inverse2 is model2): check_inverse = False # Recurse over the inverse models (but not their inverses in turn): if check_inverse: compare_models(inverse1, inverse2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, check_inverse=False)
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope='module') def change_working_dir(path_to_outputs): """ Factory that returns the output path as a context manager object, allowing easy access to the path to where the processed data should be stored. Parameters ---------- path_to_outputs : pytest.fixture Fixture containing the root path to the output files. Returns ------- contextmanager Enable easy change to temporary folder when reducing data. """ path = os.path.join(path_to_outputs, "outputs") os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) print(f"Using working dir:\n {path}") @contextmanager def _change_working_dir(sub_path=""): """ Changed the current working directory temporarily easily using the `with` statement. Parameters ---------- sub_path : str Sub-path inside the directory where we are working. """ oldpwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) if sub_path: os.makedirs(sub_path, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(sub_path) try: yield finally: os.chdir(oldpwd) return _change_working_dir
[docs]def download_from_archive(filename, sub_path='raw_files', env_var='DRAGONS_TEST'): """Download file from the archive and store it in the local cache. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename, e.g. N20160524S0119.fits sub_path : str By default the file is stored at the root of the cache directory, but using ``path`` allows to specify a sub-directory. env_var: str Environment variable containing the path to the cache directory. Returns ------- str Name of the cached file with the path added to it. """ # Find cache path and make sure it exists root_cache_path = os.getenv(env_var) if root_cache_path is None: raise ValueError('Environment variable not set: {:s}'.format(env_var)) root_cache_path = os.path.expanduser(root_cache_path) if sub_path is not None: cache_path = os.path.join(root_cache_path, sub_path) if not os.path.exists(cache_path): os.makedirs(cache_path) # Now check if the local file exists and download if not local_path = os.path.join(cache_path, filename) if not os.path.exists(local_path): tmp_path = download_file(URL + filename, cache=False) shutil.move(tmp_path, local_path) # `download_file` ignores Access Control List - fixing it os.chmod(local_path, 0o664) return local_path
[docs]def get_associated_calibrations(filename, nbias=5): """ Queries Gemini Observatory Archive for associated calibrations to reduce the data that will be used for testing. Parameters ---------- filename : str Input file name """ pd = pytest.importorskip("pandas", minversion='1.0.0') url = "{}".format(filename) tree = et.parse(urllib.request.urlopen(url)) root = tree.getroot() prefix = root.tag[:root.tag.rfind('}') + 1] def iter_nodes(node): cal_type = node.find(prefix + 'caltype').text cal_filename = node.find(prefix + 'filename').text return cal_filename, cal_type cals = pd.DataFrame( [iter_nodes(node) for node in tree.iter(prefix + 'calibration')], columns=['filename', 'caltype']) cals = cals.sort_values(by='filename') cals = cals[~cals.caltype.str.contains('processed_')] cals = cals[~cals.caltype.str.contains('specphot')] cals = cals.drop(cals[cals.caltype.str.contains('bias')][nbias:].index) return cals
[docs]def get_active_git_branch(): """ Returns the name of the active GIT branch to be used in Continuous Integration tasks and organize input/reference files. Note: This works currently only if the remote name is "origin", though it would be easy to adapt for other cases if needed. Returns ------- str or None : Name of the input active git branch. It returns None if the branch name could not be retrieved. """ try: out = subprocess.check_output( ['git', 'log', '-n', '1', '--pretty=%d', 'HEAD'] ).decode('utf8') branch_name ='\(HEAD.*, (.*)\)', out).groups()[0] branch_name = branch_name.replace("origin/", "") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("\nCould not retrieve active git branch. Make sure that the\n" "following path is a valid Git repository: {}\n" .format(os.getcwd())) else: print(f"\nRetrieved active branch name: {branch_name:s}") return branch_name
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope='module') def path_to_inputs(request, env_var='DRAGONS_TEST'): """ PyTest fixture that returns the path to where the input files for a given test module live. Parameters ---------- request : fixture PyTest's built-in fixture with information about the test itself. env_var : str Environment variable that contains the root path to the input data. Returns ------- str: Path to the input files. """ path_to_test_data = os.getenv(env_var) if path_to_test_data is None: pytest.skip('Environment variable not set: $DRAGONS_TEST') path_to_test_data = os.path.expanduser(path_to_test_data).strip() module_path = request.module.__name__.split('.') + ["inputs"] module_path = [item for item in module_path if item not in "tests"] path = os.path.join(path_to_test_data, *module_path) if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError( " Could not find path to input data:\n {:s}".format(path)) if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):'\n Path to input test data exists but is not accessible: ' '\n {:s}'.format(path)) # PARENT_BRANCHES, if set, gives the name of a parent branch to take overrides from # master/main gets ignored since that would be the default location and not inputs_master base_path = path parent_branches = os.getenv('PARENT_BRANCHES', None) if parent_branches: parent_branches = [pb for pb in parent_branches.split(',') if pb not in ('master', 'main')] parent_branches.reverse() for parent_branch in parent_branches: parent_branch = parent_branch.replace("/", "_") path_with_branch = base_path.replace("/inputs", f"/inputs_{parent_branch}") path = path_with_branch if os.path.exists(path_with_branch) else path branch_name = get_active_git_branch() if branch_name: branch_name = branch_name.replace("/", "_") path_with_branch = path.replace("/inputs", f"/inputs_{branch_name}") path = path_with_branch if os.path.exists(path_with_branch) else path print(f"Using the following path to the inputs:\n {path}\n") return path
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope='module') def path_to_refs(request, env_var='DRAGONS_TEST'): """ PyTest fixture that returns the path to where the reference files for a given test module live. Parameters ---------- request : fixture PyTest's built-in fixture with information about the test itself. env_var : str Environment variable that contains the root path to the input data. Returns ------- str: Path to the reference files. """ path_to_test_data = os.getenv(env_var) if path_to_test_data is None: pytest.skip('Environment variable not set: $DRAGONS_TEST') path_to_test_data = os.path.expanduser(path_to_test_data).strip() module_path = request.module.__name__.split('.') + ["refs"] module_path = [item for item in module_path if item not in "tests"] path = os.path.join(path_to_test_data, *module_path) if not os.path.exists(path):'\n Path to reference test data does not exist: ' '\n {:s}'.format(path)) if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):'\n Path to reference test data exists but is not accessible: ' '\n {:s}'.format(path)) # PARENT_BRANCHES, if set, gives the name of a parent branch to take overrides from # master/main gets ignored since that would be the default location and not refs_master base_path = path parent_branches = os.getenv('PARENT_BRANCHES', None) if parent_branches: parent_branches = [pb for pb in parent_branches.split(',') if pb not in ('master', 'main')] parent_branches.reverse() for parent_branch in parent_branches: parent_branch = parent_branch.replace("/", "_") path_with_branch = base_path.replace("/refs", f"/refs_{parent_branch}") path = path_with_branch if os.path.exists(path_with_branch) else path branch_name = get_active_git_branch() if branch_name: branch_name = branch_name.replace("/", "_") path_with_branch = base_path.replace("/refs", f"/refs_{branch_name}") path = path_with_branch if os.path.exists(path_with_branch) else path print(f"Using the following path to the refs:\n {path}\n") return path
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope='module') def path_to_outputs(request, tmp_path_factory): """ PyTest fixture that creates a temporary folder to save tests outputs. You can set the base directory by passing the ``--basetemp=mydir/`` argument to the PyTest call (See [Pytest - Temporary Directories and Files][1]). [1]: Returns ------- str Path to the output data. Raises ------ IOError If output path does not exits. """ module_path = request.module.__name__.split('.') module_path = [item for item in module_path if item not in "tests"] path = os.path.join(str(tmp_path_factory.getbasetemp()), *module_path) os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) return path