Source code for gemini_instruments.gnirs.tests.test_gnirs

import pytest

import astrodata
import astrodata.testing
import gemini_instruments

test_files = [

    ('detector_x_offset', float),
    ('detector_y_offset', float),
    ('pixel_scale', float),

[docs]@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="AstroFaker changes the AstroData factory") @pytest.mark.dragons_remote_data def test_is_right_type(ad): assert type(ad) == gemini_instruments.gnirs.adclass.AstroDataGnirs
[docs]@pytest.mark.dragons_remote_data def test_is_right_instance(ad): # YES, this *can* be different from test_is_right_type. Metaclasses! assert isinstance(ad, gemini_instruments.gnirs.adclass.AstroDataGnirs)
[docs]@pytest.mark.dragons_remote_data def test_extension_data_shape(ad): data = ad[0].data assert data.shape == (1022, 1024)
expected_tags = {'RAW', 'GEMINI', 'NORTH', 'GNIRS', 'UNPREPARED', }
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", expected_tags) @pytest.mark.dragons_remote_data def test_tags(ad, tag): assert tag in ad.tags
[docs]@pytest.mark.dragons_remote_data def test_can_return_instrument(ad): assert ad.phu['INSTRUME'] == 'GNIRS' assert ad.instrument() == ad.phu['INSTRUME']
[docs]@pytest.mark.dragons_remote_data def test_can_return_ad_length(ad): assert len(ad) == 1
[docs]@pytest.mark.dragons_remote_data def test_slice_range(ad): metadata = ('SCI', 2), ('SCI', 3) slc = ad[1:] assert len(slc) == 0 for ext, md in zip(slc, metadata): assert (ext.hdr['EXTNAME'], ext.hdr['EXTVER']) == md
# def test_read_a_keyword_from_phu(path_to_inputs): # # ad =, filename)) # assert ad.phu['DETECTOR'] == 'GNIRS'
[docs]@pytest.mark.dragons_remote_data def test_read_a_keyword_from_hdr(ad): try: assert ad.hdr['CCDNAME'] == ['EEV 9273-16-03', 'EEV 9273-20-04', 'EEV 9273-20-03'] except KeyError: # KeyError only accepted if it's because headers out of range assert len(ad) == 1
# with pytest.raises(AssertionError): # ad.phu.DETECTOR = 'FooBar' # ad.phu.ARBTRARY = 'BarBaz' # assert ad.phu.DETECTOR == 'FooBar' # assert ad.phu.ARBTRARY == 'BarBaz' # assert ad.phu['DETECTOR'] == 'FooBar'
[docs]@pytest.mark.dragons_remote_data @pytest.mark.parametrize("descriptor,expected_type", GNIRS_DESCRIPTORS_TYPES) def test_descriptor_matches_type(ad, descriptor, expected_type): value = getattr(ad, descriptor)() assert isinstance(value, expected_type) or value is None, \ "Assertion failed for file: {}".format(ad.filename)
[docs]@pytest.mark.dragons_remote_data @pytest.mark.parametrize("ad", ["N20190101S0102.fits"], indirect=True) def test_ra_and_dec_always_returns_float(ad, monkeypatch): """ Tests that the get the RA/DEC coordinates using descriptors. Parameters ---------- ad : fixture Custom fixture that downloads and opens the input file. """ if isinstance(ad.wcs_ra(), float) or ad.wcs_ra() is None: assert isinstance(ad.ra(), float) if isinstance(ad.wcs_dec(), float) or ad.wcs_dec() is None: assert isinstance(ad.dec(), float)
[docs]@pytest.mark.dragons_remote_data @pytest.mark.parametrize("ad", ["N20190101S0102.fits"], indirect=True) def test_ra_and_dec_wcs_fallback(ad, monkeypatch): """ Tests that the get the RA/DEC coordinates using descriptors when the WCS coordinate mapping fails Parameters ---------- ad : fixture Custom fixture that downloads and opens the input file. """ def _fake_wcs_call(): return None monkeypatch.setattr(ad, 'wcs_ra', _fake_wcs_call) monkeypatch.setattr(ad, 'wcs_dec', _fake_wcs_call) assert(ad.ra() == ad.phu.get('RA', None)) assert(ad.dec() == ad.phu.get('DEC', None))
if __name__ == "__main__": pytest.main()