Source code for astrodata.provenance

import json

from astropy.table import Table
from datetime import datetime


[docs]def add_provenance(ad, filename, md5, primitive, timestamp=None): """ Add the given `Provenance` entry to the full set of provenance records on this object. Provenance is not added if the incoming md5 is None or ''. These indicate source data for the provenance that are not on disk, so not useful as provenance. Args ----- value : `Provenance` to add Returns -------- none """ if md5 is None or md5 == '': # not a real input, we can ignore this one return if timestamp is None: timestamp = if hasattr(ad, 'PROVENANCE'): existing_provenance = ad.PROVENANCE for row in existing_provenance: if row[1] == filename and \ row[2] == md5 and \ row[3] == primitive: # nothing needed, we already have it return if not hasattr(ad, 'PROVENANCE'): timestamp_data = [timestamp] filename_data = [filename] md5_data = [md5] provenance_added_by_data = [primitive] ad.PROVENANCE = Table([timestamp_data, filename_data, md5_data, provenance_added_by_data], names=('timestamp', 'filename', 'md5', 'provenance_added_by'), dtype=('S28', 'S128', 'S128', 'S128')) else: provenance = ad.PROVENANCE provenance.add_row((timestamp, filename, md5, primitive))
[docs]def add_provenance_history(ad, timestamp_start, timestamp_stop, primitive, args): """ Add the given ProvenanceHistory entry to the full set of history records on this object. Args ----- ad : `AstroData` to add history record to timestamp_start : `datetime` of the start of this operation timestamp_stop : `datetime` of the end of this operation primitive : `str` name of the primitive performed args : `str` arguments used for the primitive call Returns -------- none """ # I modified these indices, so making this method adaptive to existing histories # with the old ordering. This also makes modifying the order in future easier primitive_col_idx, args_col_idx, timestamp_start_col_idx, timestamp_stop_col_idx = \ find_provenance_history_column_indices(ad) if hasattr(ad, 'PROVHISTORY') and None not in (primitive_col_idx, args_col_idx, timestamp_stop_col_idx, timestamp_start_col_idx): for row in ad.PROVHISTORY: if timestamp_start == row[timestamp_start_col_idx] and \ timestamp_stop == row[timestamp_stop_col_idx] and \ primitive == row[primitive_col_idx] and \ args == row[args_col_idx]: # already in the history, skip return colsize = len(args)+1 if hasattr(ad, 'PROVHISTORY'): colsize = max(colsize, (max(len(ph[args_col_idx]) for ph in ad.PROVHISTORY) + 1) \ if args_col_idx is not None else 16) timestamp_start_arr = [ph[timestamp_start_col_idx] if timestamp_start_col_idx is not None else '' for ph in ad.PROVHISTORY] timestamp_stop_arr = [ph[timestamp_stop_col_idx] if timestamp_stop_col_idx is not None else '' for ph in ad.PROVHISTORY] primitive_arr = [ph[primitive_col_idx] if primitive_col_idx is not None else '' for ph in ad.PROVHISTORY] args_arr = [ph[args_col_idx] if args_col_idx is not None else '' for ph in ad.PROVHISTORY] else: timestamp_start_arr = [] timestamp_stop_arr = [] primitive_arr = [] args_arr = [] timestamp_start_arr.append(timestamp_start) timestamp_stop_arr.append(timestamp_stop) primitive_arr.append(primitive) args_arr.append(args) dtype = ("S128", "S%d" % colsize, "S28", "S28") ad.PROVHISTORY = Table([primitive_arr, args_arr, timestamp_start_arr, timestamp_stop_arr], names=('primitive', 'args', 'timestamp_start', 'timestamp_stop'), dtype=dtype)
[docs]def clone_provenance(provenance_data, ad): """ For a single input's provenance, copy it into the output `AstroData` object as appropriate. This takes a dictionary with a source filename, md5 and both it's original provenance and provenance_history information. It duplicates the provenance data into the outgoing `AstroData` ad object. Args ----- provenance_data : pointer to the `AstroData` table with the provenance information. *Note* this may be the output `AstroData` as well, so we need to handle that. ad : outgoing `AstroData` object to add provenance data to Returns -------- none """ pd = [(prov[1], prov[2], prov[3], prov[0]) for prov in provenance_data] for p in pd: add_provenance(ad, p[0], p[1], p[2], timestamp=p[3])
[docs]def clone_provenance_history(provenance_history_data, ad): """ For a single input's provenance history, copy it into the output `AstroData` object as appropriate. This takes a dictionary with a source filename, md5 and both it's original provenance and provenance_history information. It duplicates the provenance data into the outgoing `AstroData` ad object. Args ----- provenance_history_data : pointer to the `AstroData` table with the history information. *Note* this may be the output `AstroData` as well, so we need to handle that. ad : outgoing `AstroData` object to add provenance history data to Returns -------- none """ primitive_col_idx, args_col_idx, timestamp_start_col_idx, timestamp_stop_col_idx = \ find_provenance_history_column_indices(ad) phd = [(prov_hist[timestamp_start_col_idx], prov_hist[timestamp_stop_col_idx], prov_hist[primitive_col_idx], prov_hist[args_col_idx]) for prov_hist in provenance_history_data] for ph in phd: add_provenance_history(ad, ph[0], ph[1], ph[2], ph[3])
[docs]def find_provenance_history_column_indices(ad): if hasattr(ad, 'PROVHISTORY'): primitive_col_idx = None args_col_idx = None timestamp_start_col_idx = None timestamp_stop_col_idx = None for idx, colname in enumerate(ad.PROVHISTORY.colnames): if colname == 'primitive': primitive_col_idx = idx elif colname == 'args': args_col_idx = idx elif colname == 'timestamp_start': timestamp_start_col_idx = idx elif colname == 'timestamp_stop': timestamp_stop_col_idx = idx else: # defaults primitive_col_idx = 0 args_col_idx = 1 timestamp_start_col_idx = 2 timestamp_stop_col_idx = 3 return primitive_col_idx, args_col_idx, timestamp_start_col_idx, timestamp_stop_col_idx
[docs]def provenance_summary(ad, provenance=True, provenance_history=True): """ Generate a pretty text display of the provenance information for an `~astrodata.core.AstroData`. This pulls the provenance and history information from a `~astrodata.core.AstroData` object and formats it for readability. The primitive arguments in the history are wrapped across multiple lines to keep the overall width manageable. Parameters ---------- ad : :class:`~astrodata.core.AstroData` Input data to read provenance from provenance : bool True to show provenance provenance_history : bool True to show the provenance history with associated parameters and timestamps Returns ------- str representation of the provenance """ retval = "" if provenance: if hasattr(ad, 'PROVENANCE'): retval = f"Provenance\n----------\n{ad.PROVENANCE}\n" else: retval = "No Provenance found\n" if provenance_history: if provenance: retval += "\n" # extra blank line between if hasattr(ad, 'PROVHISTORY'): retval += "Provenance History\n------------------\n" primitive_col_idx, args_col_idx, timestamp_start_col_idx, timestamp_stop_col_idx = \ find_provenance_history_column_indices(ad) primitive_col_size = 8 timestamp_start_col_size = 28 timestamp_stop_col_size = 28 args_col_size = 16 # infer args size by finding the max for the folded json values for row in ad.PROVHISTORY: argsstr = row[args_col_idx] args = json.loads(argsstr) argspp = json.dumps(args, indent=4) for line in argspp.split('\n'): args_col_size = max(args_col_size, len(line)) primitive_col_size = max(primitive_col_size, len(row[primitive_col_idx])) # Titles retval += f'{"Primitive":<{primitive_col_size}} {"Args":<{args_col_size}} ' + \ f'{"Start":<{timestamp_start_col_size}} {"Stop"}\n' # now the lines retval += f'{"":{"-"}<{primitive_col_size}} {"":{"-"}<{args_col_size}} ' + \ f'{"":{"-"}<{timestamp_start_col_size}} {"":{"-"}<{timestamp_stop_col_size}}\n' # Rows, looping over args lines for row in ad.PROVHISTORY: primitive = row[primitive_col_idx] args = row[args_col_idx] start = row[timestamp_start_col_idx] stop = row[timestamp_stop_col_idx] first = True try: parseargs = json.loads(args) args = json.dumps(parseargs, indent=4) except: pass # ok, just use whatever non-json was in there for argrow in args.split('\n'): if first: retval += f'{primitive:<{primitive_col_size}} {argrow:<{args_col_size}} ' + \ f'{start:<{timestamp_start_col_size}} {stop}\n' else: retval += f'{"":<{primitive_col_size}} {argrow}\n' # prep for additional arg rows without duplicating the other values first = False else: retval += "No Provenance History found.\n" return retval