Source code for gemini_instruments.gemini.adclass

#                                                            Gemini Observatory
#                                                                        Dragons
#                                                             gemini_instruments
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import re
import math
import datetime
import dateutil.parser
import warnings

from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.wcs import FITSFixedWarning
from astropy.wcs._wcs import InconsistentAxisTypesError

from astrodata import AstroDataFits
from astrodata import astro_data_tag
from astrodata import astro_data_descriptor
from astrodata import TagSet

from .lookup import wavelength_band, nominal_extinction, filter_wavelengths
from ..common import section_to_tuple

# NOTE: Temporary functions for test. gempy imports astrodata and
#       won't work with this implementation
from .. import gmu

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: Some of these should go to AstroDataFITS
gemini_keyword_names = dict(
    airmass = 'AIRMASS',
    amp_read_area = 'AMPROA',
    ao_fold = 'AOFOLD',
    ao_seeing = 'AOSEEING',
    array_name = 'ARRAYNAM',
    array_section = 'ARRAYSEC',
    azimuth = 'AZIMUTH',
    bias_image = 'BIASIM',
    bunit = 'BUNIT',
    camera = 'CAMERA',
    cass_rotator_pa = 'CRPA',
    cd11 = 'CD1_1',
    cd12 = 'CD1_2',
    cd21 = 'CD2_1',
    cd22 = 'CD2_2',
    central_wavelength = 'CWAVE',
    coadds = 'COADDS',
    dark_image = 'DARKIM',
    data_label = 'DATALAB',
    data_section = 'DATASEC',
    dec = 'DEC',
    decker = 'DECKER',
    detector_name = 'DETNAME',
    detector_roi_setting = 'DROISET',
    detector_rois_requested = 'DROIREQ',
    detector_section = 'DETSEC',
    detector_x_bin = 'XBIN',
    detector_y_bin = 'YBIN',
    disperser = 'DISPERSR',
    dispersion = 'WDELTA',
    dispersion_axis = 'DISPAXIS',
    elevation = 'ELEVATIO',
    exposure_time = 'EXPTIME',
    filter_name = 'FILTER1',
    focal_plane_mask = 'FPMASK',
    gain = 'GAIN',
    gain_setting = 'GAINSET',
    gems = 'GWFS1CFG',
    grating = 'GRATING',
    group_id = 'GROUPID',
    local_time = 'LT',
    lyot_stop = 'LYOTSTOP',
    mdf_row_id = 'MDFROW',
    naxis1 = 'NAXIS1',
    naxis2 = 'NAXIS2',
    nominal_atmospheric_extinction = 'NOMATMOS',
    nominal_photometric_zeropoint = 'NOMPHOTZ',
    non_linear_level = 'NONLINEA',
    observation_epoch = 'OBSEPOCH',
    observation_mode = 'OBSMODE',
    oiwfs = 'OIWFS_ST',
    overscan_section = 'OVERSEC',
    pixel_scale = 'PIXSCALE',
    prism = 'PRISM',
    pupil_mask = 'PUPILMSK',
    pwfs1 = 'PWFS1_ST',
    pwfs2 = 'PWFS2_ST',
    qa_state = 'QASTATE',
    r_zero_val = 'RZEROVAL',
    ra = 'RA',
    raw_central_wavelength = 'CWAVE',
    raw_gemini_qa = 'RAWGEMQA',
    raw_pi_requirements_met = 'RAWPIREQ',
    read_mode = 'READMODE',
    read_noise = 'RDNOISE',
    read_speed_setting = 'RDSPDSET',
    saturation_level = 'SATLEVEL',
    slit = 'SLIT',
    ut_datetime = 'DATETIME',
    ut_time = 'UT',
    wavefront_sensor = 'WFS',
    wavelength = 'WAVELENG',
    wavelength_band = 'WAVEBAND',
    well_depth_setting = 'WELDEPTH',
    telescope_x_offset = 'XOFFSET',
    telescope_y_offset = 'YOFFSET',

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class AstroDataGemini(AstroDataFits): __keyword_dict = gemini_keyword_names @staticmethod def _matches_data(source): obs = source[0].header.get('OBSERVAT', '').upper() tel = source[0].header.get('TELESCOP', '').upper() isGemini = False if obs in ('GEMINI-NORTH', 'GEMINI-SOUTH'): isGemini = True elif tel in ('GEMINI-NORTH', 'GEMINI-SOUTH'): isGemini = True return isGemini @astro_data_tag def _type_observatory(self): return TagSet(['GEMINI']) @astro_data_tag def _type_acquisition(self): if self.phu['OBSCLASS'] in ('acq', 'acqCal'): return TagSet(['ACQUISITION']) @astro_data_tag def _type_az(self): if self.phu.get('FRAME') == 'AZEL_TOPO': try: if self.airmass() == 1.0: return TagSet(['AZEL_TARGET', 'AT_ZENITH']) except ValueError: pass return TagSet(['AZEL_TARGET']) @astro_data_tag def _type_fringe(self): if set (self.phu.keys()) & {'GIFRINGE', 'PROCFRNG'}: return TagSet(['FRINGE', 'CAL']) # GCALFLAT and the LAMPON/LAMPOFF are kept separated because the # PROCESSED status will cancel the tags for lamp status, but the # GCALFLAT is still needed @astro_data_tag def _type_gcalflat(self): if self.phu.get('GCALLAMP') in ('IRhigh', 'QH'): return TagSet(['GCALFLAT', 'FLAT', 'CAL']) @astro_data_tag def _type_gcal_lamp(self): if self.phu.get('GCALLAMP') in ('IRhigh', 'QH'): shut = self.phu.get('GCALSHUT') if shut == 'OPEN': return TagSet(['GCAL_IR_ON', 'LAMPON'], blocked_by=['PROCESSED']) elif shut == 'CLOSED': return TagSet(['GCAL_IR_OFF', 'LAMPOFF'], blocked_by=['PROCESSED']) @astro_data_tag def _type_site(self): site = self.phu.get('OBSERVAT', '').upper() if site == 'GEMINI-NORTH': return TagSet(['NORTH']) elif site == 'GEMINI-SOUTH': return TagSet(['SOUTH']) @astro_data_tag def _type_mode(self): mode = self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('observation_mode'), '').upper() if mode: tags = [mode] if mode != 'IMAGE': # assume SPECT tags.append('SPECT') return TagSet(tags) @astro_data_tag def _type_nodandchop(self): if self.phu.get('DATATYPE') == "marked-nodandchop": return TagSet(['NODCHOP']) @astro_data_tag def _type_sidereal(self): frames = set([self.phu.get('TRKFRAME'), self.phu.get('FRAME')]) valid_frames = set(['FK5', 'APPT']) # Check if the intersection of both sets is non-empty... if frames & valid_frames: try: dectrack, ratrack = float(self.phu['DECTRACK']), float(self.phu['RATRACK']) if dectrack == 0 and ratrack == 0: return TagSet(['SIDEREAL']) except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError): pass return TagSet(['NON_SIDEREAL']) @astro_data_tag def _type_bad_pixel_mask(self): if 'BPMASK' in self.phu: return TagSet(['BPM'], blocks=['IMAGE', 'SPECT', 'FLAT', 'PREPARED', 'GCALFLAT', 'CAL', 'LAMPON', 'GCAL_IR_ON', 'GCAL_IR_OFF', 'DARK', 'NON_SIDEREAL', 'AZEL_TARGET']) @astro_data_tag def _status_raw(self): if 'GEM-TLM' not in self.phu: return TagSet(['RAW']) @astro_data_tag def _status_prepared(self): if any(('PREPAR' in kw) for kw in self.phu): return TagSet(['PREPARED']) else: return TagSet(['UNPREPARED']) @astro_data_tag def _status_overscan(self): found = [] for pattern, tag in (('TRIMOVER', 'OVERSCAN_TRIMMED'), ('SUBOVER', 'OVERSCAN_SUBTRACTED')): if any((pattern in kw) for kw in self.phu): found.append(tag) if found: return TagSet(found) @astro_data_tag def _status_processed_cals(self): kwords = set(['PROCARC', 'GBIAS', 'PROCBIAS', 'PROCDARK', 'GIFLAG', 'PROCFLAT', 'GIFRINGE', 'PROCFRNG']) if set(self.phu.keys()) & kwords: return TagSet(['PROCESSED']) @astro_data_tag def _status_processed_science(self): kwords = {'GMOSAIC', 'PROCSCI'} if self.phu['OBSTYPE'] == 'OBJECT' and set(self.phu.keys()) & kwords: return TagSet(['PROCESSED_SCIENCE', 'PROCESSED'], blocks=['RAW']) def _parse_section(self, keyword, pretty): try: value_filter = (str if pretty else section_to_tuple) process_fn = lambda x: (None if x is None else value_filter(x)) # Dummy keyword FULLFRAME returns shape of full data array if keyword == 'FULLFRAME': try: sections = '[1:{1},1:{0}]'.format(* except AttributeError: sections = ['[1:{1},1:{0}]'.format(*ext.shape) for ext in] else: sections = self.hdr.get(keyword) if self.is_single: return process_fn(sections) else: return [process_fn(raw) for raw in sections] except (KeyError, TypeError): return None def _may_remove_component(self, keyword, stripID, pretty): val = self.phu.get(keyword) if val and (stripID or pretty): return gmu.removeComponentID(val) return val
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def airmass(self): """ Returns the airmass of the observation. Returns ------- float Airmass value. """ am = self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('airmass'), -1) if isinstance(am, str) and gmu.isBlank(am): return None return am if am >= 1 else None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def ao_seeing(self): """ Returns an estimate of the natural seeing as calculated from the adaptive optics systems. Returns ------- float AO estimate of the natural seeing """ try: return self.phu[self._keyword_for('ao_seeing')] except KeyError: try: # If r_zero_val (Fried's parameter) is present, # a seeing estimate can be calculated (NOTE: Jo Thomas-Osip # is providing a reference for this calculation. Until then, # EJD checked using # ) # Seeing at 0.5 micron rzv = self.phu[self._keyword_for('r_zero_val')] return (206265. * 0.98 * 0.5e-6) / (rzv * 0.01) except KeyError: return None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def amp_read_area(self, pretty=False): """ Returns the readout area of each amplifier, as a 0-based tuple or 1-based string Returns ------- list/(tuple or string) the amp readout areas """ return self._parse_section(self._keyword_for('amp_read_area'), pretty)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def array_name(self): """ Returns the name of each array Returns ------- list of str/str the array names """ return self.hdr.get(self._keyword_for('array_name'))
# TODO: Clean up the array_section output interface. Trac #821
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def array_section(self, pretty=False): """ Returns the section covered by the array(s) relative to the detector frame. For example, this can be the position of multiple amps read within a CCD. If pretty is False, a tuple of 0-based coordinates is returned with format (x1, x2, y1, y2). If pretty is True, a keyword value is returned without parsing as a string. In this format, the coordinates are generally 1-based. One tuple or string is return per extension/array, in a list. If the method is called on a single slice, the section is returned as a tuple or a string. Parameters ---------- pretty : bool If True, return the formatted string found in the header. Returns ------- tuple of integers or list of tuples Position of extension(s) using Python slice values str/list of str Position of extension(s) using an IRAF section format (1-based) """ return self._parse_section(self._keyword_for('array_section'), pretty)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def azimuth(self): """ Returns the azimuth of the telescope, in degrees Returns ------- float azimuth """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('azimuth'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def calibration_key(self): """ Returns an object to be used as a key in the Calibrations dict. Multiple ADs can share a key but there can be only one of each type of calibration for each key. data_label() is the default. "_stack" is removed to avoid making a new request for a stacked frame, which will need the same calibration as the original. Returns ------- string identifier """ calk = self.data_label() try: return calk.replace('_stack', '') except AttributeError: return calk
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def camera(self, stripID=False, pretty=False): """ Returns the name of the camera. The component ID can be removed with either 'stripID' or 'pretty' set to True. Parameters ---------- stripID : bool If True, removes the component ID and returns only the name of the camera. pretty : bool Same as for stripID. Pretty here does not do anything more. Returns ------- str The name of the camera with or without the component ID. """ return self._may_remove_component(self._keyword_for('camera'), stripID, pretty)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def cass_rotator_pa(self): """ Returns the position angle of the Cassegrain rotator, in degrees. Returns ------- float Position angle of the Cassegrain rotator. """ crpa = self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('cass_rotator_pa'), 400) return crpa if abs(crpa) <= 360 else None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def central_wavelength(self, asMicrometers=False, asNanometers=False, asAngstroms=False): """ Returns the central wavelength in meters or the specified units Parameters ---------- asMicrometers : bool If True, return the wavelength in microns asNanometers : bool If True, return the wavelength in nanometers asAngstroms : bool If True, return the wavelength in Angstroms Returns ------- float The central wavelength setting """ unit_arg_list = [asMicrometers, asNanometers, asAngstroms] if unit_arg_list.count(True) == 1: # Just one of the unit arguments was set to True. Return the # central wavelength in these units if asMicrometers: output_units = "micrometers" if asNanometers: output_units = "nanometers" if asAngstroms: output_units = "angstroms" else: # Either none of the unit arguments were set to True or more than # one of the unit arguments was set to True. In either case, # return the central wavelength in the default units of meters. output_units = "meters" # We assume that the central_wavelength keyword is in microns keyword = self._keyword_for('central_wavelength') wave_in_microns = self.phu.get(keyword, -1) if wave_in_microns < 0: return None return gmu.convert_units('micrometers', wave_in_microns, output_units)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def coadds(self): """ Returns the number of co-adds used for the observation. Returns ------- int Number of co-adds. """ return int(self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('coadds'), 1))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def data_label(self): """ Returns the data label of an observation. Returns ------- str the observation's data label """ return self.phu.get('DATALAB')
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def data_section(self, pretty=False): """ Returns the rectangular section that includes the pixels that would be exposed to light. If pretty is False, a tuple of 0-based coordinates is returned with format (x1, x2, y1, y2). If pretty is True, a keyword value is returned without parsing as a string. In this format, the coordinates are generally 1-based. One tuple or string is return per extension/array, in a list. If the method is called on a single slice, the section is returned as a tuple or a string. Parameters ---------- pretty : bool If True, return the formatted string found in the header. Returns ------- tuple of integers or list of tuples Location of the pixels exposed to light using Python slice values. string or list of strings Location of the pixels exposed to light using an IRAF section format (1-based). """ return self._parse_section(self._keyword_for('data_section'), pretty)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def dec(self): """ Returns the Declination of the center of the field, in degrees. Returns ------- float declination in degrees """ dec = self.wcs_dec() if dec is None: dec = self.phu.get('DEC', None) return dec
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def decker(self, stripID=False, pretty=False): """ Returns the name of the decker. The component ID can be removed with either 'stripID' or 'pretty' set to True. Parameters ---------- stripID : bool If True, removes the component ID and returns only the name of the decker. pretty : bool Same as for stripID. Pretty here does not do anything more. Returns ------- str The name of the decker with or without the component ID. """ return self._may_remove_component(self._keyword_for('decker'), stripID, pretty)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def detector_name(self): """ Returns the name of the detector Returns ------- str the detector name """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('detector_name'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def detector_roi_setting(self): """ Returns the ROI setting. Most instruments don't allow this to be changed, so at the Gemini level it just returns 'Fixed' Returns ------- str Name of the ROI setting used, ie, "Fixed" """ return 'Fixed'
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def detector_rois_requested(self): """ Returns the ROIs requested. Since most instruments don't have selectable ROIs, it returns None at the Gemini level Returns ------- NoneType None """ return None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def detector_section(self, pretty=False): """ Returns the section covered by the detector relative to the whole mosaic of detectors. If pretty is False, a tuple of 0-based coordinates is returned with format (x1, x2, y1, y2). If pretty is True, a keyword value is returned without parsing as a string. In this format, the coordinates are generally 1-based. One tuple or string is return per extension/array, in a list. If the method is called on a single slice, the section is returned as a tuple or a string. Parameters ---------- pretty : bool If True, return the formatted string found in the header. Returns ------- tuple of integers or list of tuples Position of the detector using Python slice values. string or list of strings Position of the detector using an IRAF section format (1-based). """ return self._parse_section(self._keyword_for('detector_section'), pretty)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def detector_x_bin(self): """ Returns the detector binning in the x-direction Returns ------- int The detector binning """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('detector_x_bin'), 1)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def detector_y_bin(self): """ Returns the detector binning in the y-direction Returns ------- int The detector binning """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('detector_y_bin'), 1)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def detector_x_offset(self): """ Returns the offset from the reference position in pixels along the positive x-direction of the detector Returns ------- float The offset in pixels """ try: offset = self.phu.get('POFFSET') / self.pixel_scale() except TypeError: # either is None return None # Flipped if on bottom port return -offset if self.phu.get('INPORT')==1 else offset
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def detector_y_offset(self): """ Returns the offset from the reference position in pixels along the positive y-direction of the detector Returns ------- float The offset in pixels """ try: return self.phu.get('QOFFSET') / self.pixel_scale() except TypeError: # either is None return None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def disperser(self, stripID=False, pretty=False): """ Returns the name of the disperser. The "disperser" is a combination of all the dispersing elements along the light path. The component ID can be removed with either 'stripID' or 'pretty' set to True. Parameters ---------- stripID : bool If True, removes the component ID and returns only the name of the disperser. pretty : bool Same as for stripID. Pretty here does not do anything more. Returns ------- str The name of the disperser with or without the component ID. """ return self._may_remove_component(self._keyword_for('disperser'), stripID, pretty)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def dispersion(self, asMicrometers=False, asNanometers=False, asAngstroms=False): """ Returns the dispersion in meters per pixel as a list (one value per extension) or a float if used on a single-extension slice. It is possible to control the units of wavelength using the input arguments. Parameters ---------- asMicrometers : bool If True, return the wavelength in microns asNanometers : bool If True, return the wavelength in nanometers asAngstroms : bool If True, return the wavelength in Angstroms Returns ------- list/float The dispersion(s) """ # Look for the relevant value, which we assume is in meters per pixel try: dispersion = self.hdr[self._keyword_for('dispersion')] except KeyError: try: dispersion = self.phu[self._keyword_for( 'dispersion')] * len(self) except KeyError: return None unit_arg_list = [asMicrometers, asNanometers, asAngstroms] if unit_arg_list.count(True) == 1: # Just one of the unit arguments was set to True. Return the # central wavelength in these units if asMicrometers: output_units = "micrometers" if asNanometers: output_units = "nanometers" if asAngstroms: output_units = "angstroms" else: # Either none of the unit arguments were set to True or more than # one of the unit arguments was set to True. In either case, # return the central wavelength in the default units of meters. output_units = "meters" try: return [gmu.convert_units('meters', d, output_units) for d in dispersion] except TypeError: return gmu.convert_units('meters', dispersion, output_units)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def dispersion_axis(self): """ Returns the axis along which the light is dispersed. Returns ------- int Dispersion axis. Raises ------ ValueError If the data is tagged IMAGE or is not PREPARED. """ tags = self.tags if 'IMAGE' in tags or 'PREPARED' not in tags: return None # TODO: We may need to sort out Nones here... kw = self._keyword_for('dispersion_axis') return map(int, self.hdr.get(kw))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def effective_wavelength(self, output_units=None): """ Returns the wavelength representing the bandpass or the spectrum. For imaging data this normally is the wavelength at the center of the bandpass as defined by the filter used. For spectra, this is the central wavelength. The returned value is in meters. This descriptor makes uses of a lookup table to associate filters with their effective_wavelength. Returns ------- float Wavelength representing the bandpass or the spectrum coverage. """ if not output_units in ('micrometers', 'nanometers', 'angstroms'): output_units = 'meters' wave_in_microns = None tags = self.tags if 'IMAGE' in tags: filter_name = self.filter_name(pretty=True) for inst in ('*', self.instrument(generic=True)): try: wave_in_microns = filter_wavelengths[inst, filter_name] except KeyError: pass elif 'SPECT' in tags: wave_in_microns = self.central_wavelength(asMicrometers=True) return gmu.convert_units('micrometers', wave_in_microns, output_units)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def elevation(self): """ Returns the elevation of the telescope, in degrees Returns ------- float elevation """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('elevation'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def exposure_time(self): """ Returns the exposure time in seconds. Returns ------- float Exposure time. """ exposure_time = self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('exposure_time'), -1) if exposure_time < 0: return None if 'PREPARED' not in self.tags and self.is_coadds_summed(): return exposure_time * self.coadds() else: return exposure_time
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def filter_name(self, stripID=False, pretty=False): """ Returns the name of the filter(s) used. The component ID can be removed with either 'stripID' or 'pretty'. If a combination of filters is used, the filter names will be join into a unique string with '&' as separator. If 'pretty' is True, filter positions such as 'Open', 'Dark', 'blank', and others are removed leaving only the relevant filters in the string. Parameters ---------- stripID : bool If True, removes the component ID and returns only the name of the filter. pretty : bool Same as for stripID. Pretty here does not do anything more. Returns ------- str The name of the filter combination with or without the component ID. """ f1 = self._may_remove_component('FILTER1', stripID, pretty) f2 = self._may_remove_component('FILTER2', stripID, pretty) if f1 is None or f2 is None: return None if pretty: filter_comps = [] for fn in (f1, f2): # Not interested in clear or neutral density filters if not ("open" in fn.lower() or "Clear" in fn or fn.lower().startswith('nd')): filter_comps.append(fn) if not filter_comps: filter_comps.append("open") cals = (("Block", "blank"), ("Dark", "blank"), ("DK", "dark")) for cal, fn in cals: if cal in f1 or cal in f2: filter_comps.append(fn) else: filter_comps = [f1, f2] return "&".join(filter_comps[:2])
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def focal_plane_mask(self, stripID=False, pretty=False): """ Returns the name of the focal plane mask. The component ID can be removed with either 'stripID' or 'pretty' set to True. Parameters ---------- stripID : bool If True, removes the component ID and returns only the name of the focal plane mask. pretty : bool Same as for stripID. Pretty here does not do anything more. Returns ------- str The name of the focal plane mask with or without the component ID. """ return self._may_remove_component(self._keyword_for('focal_plane_mask'), stripID, pretty)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def gain(self): """ Returns the gain (electrons/ADU) for each extension Returns ------- list of floats/float Gains used for the observation """ return self.hdr.get(self._keyword_for('gain'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def gain_setting(self): """ Returns the gain setting for this observation (e.g., 'high', 'low') Returns ------- str the gain setting """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('gain_setting'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def gcal_lamp(self): """ Returns the name of the GCAL lamp being used, or "Off" if no lamp is in used. This applies to flats and arc observations when a lamp is used. For other types observation, None is returned. Returns ------- str Name of the GCAL lamp being used, or "Off" if not in use. """ try: lamps, shut = self.phu['GCALLAMP'], self.phu['GCALSHUT'] if (shut.upper() == 'CLOSED' and lamps.upper() in ('IRHIGH', 'IRLOW')) or lamps.upper() in ('', 'NO VALUE'): return 'Off' return lamps except KeyError: return None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def group_id(self): """ Returns a string representing a group of data that are compatible with each other. This is used when stacking, for example. Each instrument and mode of observation will have its own rules. At the Gemini class level, the default is to group by the Gemini observation ID. Returns ------- str A group ID for compatible data. """ return self.observation_id()
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def instrument(self, generic=False): """ Returns the name of the instrument making the observation Parameters ---------- generic: boolean If set, don't specify the specific instrument if there are clones (but that is handled by the instrument-level descriptors) Returns ------- str instrument name """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('instrument'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def is_ao(self): """ Tells whether or not the data was taken with adaptive optics. Returns ------- bool True if the data is AO, False otherwise. """ # If the keyword's not there, assume the mirror is out return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('ao_fold'), 'OUT') == 'IN'
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def is_coadds_summed(self): """ Tells whether or not the co-adds have been summed. If not, they have been averaged. At the Gemini level, this descriptor is hardcoded to True as it is the default at the observatory. Returns ------- bool True if the data has been summed. False if it has been averaged. """ return True
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def is_in_adu(self): """ Tells whether the data are in ADU (likely to be superseded by use of NDData's unit attribute) Returns ------- bool True if the data are in ADU """ units = self.hdr.get('BUNIT', 'ADU') if self.is_single: return units.upper() == 'ADU' units = set(u.upper() for u in units) if len(units) > 1: raise ValueError("Not all extensions appear to have the same units") return units.pop() == 'ADU'
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def local_time(self): """ Returns the local time stored at the time of the observation. Returns ------- datetime.datetime.time() Local time of the observation. """ try: local_time = self.phu[self._keyword_for('local_time')] return dateutil.parser.parse(local_time).time() except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError): return None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def lyot_stop(self, stripID=False, pretty=False): """ Returns the Lyot stop used for the observation Parameters ---------- stripID : bool If True, removes the component ID. pretty : bool Same as for stripID. Returns ------- str Lyot stop used for the observation """ return self._may_remove_component(self._keyword_for('lyot_stop'), stripID, pretty)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def mdf_row_id(self): """ Returns row ID from the MDF (Mask Definition File) table associated with the spectrum. Applies to "cut" MOS or X-dispersed data. Returns ------- int Row of the MDF associated with the extension. """ tags = self.tags if 'IMAGE' in tags or 'PREPARED' not in tags: return None return self.hdr.get(self._keyword_for('mdf_row_id'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def nominal_atmospheric_extinction(self): """ Returns the nominal atmospheric extinction at observation airmass and bandpass. Returns ------- float Nominal atmospheric extinction from model. """ nom_ext_idx = (self.telescope(), self.filter_name(pretty=True)) coeff = nominal_extinction.get(nom_ext_idx, 0.0) am = self.airmass() return coeff * (self.airmass() - 1.0) if am else None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def nominal_photometric_zeropoint(self): """ Returns the nominal photometric zeropoint (i.e., magnitude corresponding to 1 pixel count) for each extension Returns ------- float/list of floats Photometric zeropoint """ return self.hdr.get(self._keyword_for('nominal_photometric_zeropoint'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def non_linear_level(self): """ Returns the level at which the data become non-linear, in ADU. This is expected to be overridden by the individual instruments, so at the Gemini level it returns the values of the NONLINEA keywords (or None) Returns ------- int/list non-linearity level level in ADU """ return self.hdr.get(self._keyword_for('non_linear_level'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def observation_class(self): """ Returns the class of an observation, e.g., 'science', 'acq', 'dayCal'. Returns ------- str the observation class """ return self.phu.get('OBSCLASS')
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def observation_id(self): """ Returns the ID of an observation. Returns ------- str the observation ID """ return self.phu.get('OBSID')
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def observation_epoch(self): """ Returns the observation's epoch. Returns ------- str the observation's epoch """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('observation_epoch'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def observation_type(self): """ Returns the type of an observation, e.g., 'OBJECT', 'FLAT', 'ARC'. Returns ------- str the observation type """ return self.phu.get('OBSTYPE')
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def overscan_section(self, pretty=False): """ Returns the section covered by the overscan regions relative to the detector frame. If pretty is False, a tuple of 0-based coordinates is returned with format (x1, x2, y1, y2). If pretty is True, a keyword value is returned without parsing as a string. In this format, the coordinates are generally 1-based. One tuple or string is return per extension/array. If more than one array, the tuples/strings are return in a list. Otherwise, the section is returned as a tuple or a string. Parameters ---------- pretty : bool If True, return the formatted string found in the header. Returns ------- tuple of integers or list of tuples Position of extension(s) using Python slice values str/list of str Position of extension(s) using an IRAF section format (1-based) """ return self._parse_section(self._keyword_for('overscan_section'), pretty)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def pixel_scale(self): """ Returns the image scale in arcseconds per pixel, as an average over the extensions Returns ------- float the pixel scale """ return self._get_wcs_pixel_scale(mean=True)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def program_id(self): """ Returns the ID of the program the observation was taken for Returns ------- str the program ID """ return self.phu.get('GEMPRGID')
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def pupil_mask(self, stripID=False, pretty=False): """ Returns the name of the focal plane mask. The component ID can be removed with either 'stripID' or 'pretty' set to True. Parameters ---------- stripID : bool If True, removes the component ID and returns only the name of the focal plane mask. pretty : bool Same as for stripID. Pretty here does not do anything more. Returns ------- str The name of the focal plane mask with or without the component ID. """ return self._may_remove_component(self._keyword_for('pupil_mask'), stripID, pretty)
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def qa_state(self): """ Returns the Gemini quality assessment flags. Returns ------- str Gemini quality assessment flags. """ rawpireq = self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('raw_pi_requirements_met'), 'UNKNOWN') rawgemqa = self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('raw_gemini_qa'), 'UNKNOWN') pair = rawpireq.upper(), rawgemqa.upper() # Calculate the derived QA state ret_qa_state = "{}:{}".format(rawpireq, rawgemqa) if 'UNKNOWN' in pair: ret_qa_state = "Undefined" elif pair == ('YES', 'USABLE'): ret_qa_state = "Pass" elif pair == ('NO', 'USABLE'): ret_qa_state = "Usable" elif rawgemqa.upper() == "BAD": ret_qa_state = "Fail" elif 'CHECK' in pair: ret_qa_state = "CHECK" return ret_qa_state
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def ra(self): """ Returns the Right Ascension of the center of the field, in degrees. Returns ------- float right ascension in degrees """ ra = self.wcs_ra() if ra is None: ra = self.phu.get('RA', None) return ra
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def raw_bg(self): """ Returns the BG percentile band of the observation. BG refers to the sky/background brightness. Returns ------- str BG percentile band of the observation. """ return self._raw_to_percentile('raw_bg', self.phu.get('RAWBG'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def raw_cc(self): """ Returns the CC percentile band of the observation. CC refers to the cloud coverage. Returns ------- str CC percentile band of the observation. """ return self._raw_to_percentile('raw_cc', self.phu.get('RAWCC'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def raw_iq(self): """ Returns the IQ percentile band of the observation. IQ refers to the image quality or seeing. Returns ------- str IQ percentile band of the observation. """ return self._raw_to_percentile('raw_iq', self.phu.get('RAWIQ'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def raw_wv(self): """ Returns the WV percentile band of the observation. WV refers to the water vapor. Returns ------- str WV percentile band of the observation. """ return self._raw_to_percentile('raw_wv', self.phu.get('RAWWV'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def read_mode(self): """ Returns the readout mode used for the observation Returns ------- str the read mode used """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('read_mode'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def read_noise(self): """ Returns the read noise in electrons for each extension. A list is returned unless called on a single-extension slice, when a float Returns ------- float/list of floats the read noise """ return self.hdr.get(self._keyword_for('read_noise'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def read_speed_setting(self): """ Returns the read speed setting for the observation Returns ------- str the read speed setting """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('read_speed_setting'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def requested_bg(self): """ Returns the BG percentile band requested by the PI. BG refers to the sky/background brightness. Returns ------- str BG percentile band requested by the PI. """ return self._raw_to_percentile('requested_bg', self.phu.get('REQBG'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def requested_cc(self): """ Returns the CC percentile band requested by the PI. CC refers to the cloud coverage. Returns ------- str CC percentile band requested by the PI. """ return self._raw_to_percentile('requested_cc', self.phu.get('REQCC'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def requested_iq(self): """ Returns the IQ percentile band requested by the PI. IQ refers to the image quality or seeing. Returns ------- str IQ percentile band requested by the PI. """ return self._raw_to_percentile('requested_iq', self.phu.get('REQIQ'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def requested_wv(self): """ Returns the WV percentile band requested by the PI. WV refers to the water vapor. Returns ------- str WV percentile band requested by the PI. """ return self._raw_to_percentile('requested_wv', self.phu.get('REQWV'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def saturation_level(self): """ Returns the saturation level of the data, in ADU. This is expected to be overridden by the individual instruments, so at the Gemini level it returns the values of the SATLEVEL keywords (or None) Returns ------- list/float saturation level in ADU """ return self.hdr.get(self._keyword_for('saturation_level'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def slit(self): """ Returns the name of the entrance slit used for the observation Returns ------- str the slit name """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('slit'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def target_ra(self, offset=False, pm=True, icrs=False): """ Returns the Right Ascension of the target in degrees. Optionally, the telescope offsets can be applied. The proper motion can also be applied if requested. Finally, the RA can be converted to ICRS coordinates. Parameters ---------- offset : bool If True, applies the telescope offsets. pm : bool If True, applies proper motion parameters. icrs : bool If True, convert the RA to the ICRS coordinate system. Returns ------- float Right Ascension of the target in degrees. """ try: ra = self.phu['RA'] except KeyError: return None if isinstance(ra, str) and gmu.isBlank(ra): return None raoffset = self.phu.get('RAOFFSET', 0) targ_raoffset = self.phu.get('RATRGOFF', 0) pmra = self.phu.get('PMRA', 0) epoch = self.phu.get('EPOCH', 2000.0) frame = self.phu.get('FRAME', 'FK5') if offset: raoffset /= 3600.0 targ_raoffset /= 3600.0 raoffset += targ_raoffset raoffset /= math.cos(math.radians(self.target_dec(offset=True))) ra += raoffset if pm and pmra != 0: dt = self.ut_datetime() year = dt.year startyear = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) # Handle leap year properly nextyear = datetime.datetime(year+1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) thisyear = nextyear - startyear sofar = dt - startyear fraction = sofar.total_seconds() / thisyear.total_seconds() obsepoch = year + fraction years = obsepoch - epoch pmra *= years pmra *= 15.0*math.cos(math.radians(self.target_dec(offset=True))) pmra /= 3600.0 ra += pmra if icrs: ra, dec = gmu.toicrs(frame, self.target_ra(offset=offset, pm=pm, icrs=False), self.target_dec(offset=offset, pm=pm, icrs=False), equinox=2000.0, ut_datetime=self.ut_datetime() ) return ra
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def target_dec(self, offset=False, pm=True, icrs=False): """ Returns the Declination of the target in degrees. Optionally, the telescope offsets can be applied. The proper motion can also be applied if requested. Finally, the RA can be converted to ICRS coordinates. Parameters ---------- offset : bool If True, applies the telescope offsets. pm : bool If True, applies proper motion parameters. icrs : bool If True, convert the Declination to the ICRS coordinate system. Returns ------- float Declination of the target in degrees. """ try: dec = self.phu['DEC'] except KeyError: return None if isinstance(dec, str) and gmu.isBlank(dec): return None decoffset = self.phu.get('DECOFFSE', 0) targ_decoffset = self.phu.get('DECTRGOF', 0) pmdec = self.phu.get('PMDEC', 0) epoch = self.phu.get('EPOCH', 2000.0) frame = self.phu.get('FRAME', 'FK5') if offset: decoffset /= 3600.0 targ_decoffset /= 3600.0 dec += decoffset + targ_decoffset if pm and pmdec != 0: dt = self.ut_datetime() year = dt.year startyear = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) # Handle leap year properly nextyear = datetime.datetime(year+1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) thisyear = nextyear - startyear sofar = dt - startyear fraction = sofar.total_seconds() / thisyear.total_seconds() obsepoch = year + fraction years = obsepoch - epoch pmdec *= years pmdec /= 3600.0 dec += pmdec if icrs: ra, dec = gmu.toicrs(frame, self.target_ra(offset=offset, pm=pm, icrs=False), self.target_dec(offset=offset, pm=pm, icrs=False), equinox=2000.0, ut_datetime = self.ut_datetime() ) return dec
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def telescope_x_offset(self): """ Returns the telescope offset along the telescope x-axis, in arcseconds. Returns ------- float the telescope offset along the telescope x-axis (arcseconds) """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('telescope_x_offset'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def telescope_y_offset(self): """ Returns the telescope offset along the telescope y-axis, in arcseconds. Returns ------- float the telescope offset along the telescope y-axis (arcseconds) """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('telescope_y_offset'))
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def ut_date(self): """ Returns the UT date of the observation as a datetime object. Returns ------- datetime.datetime UT date. """ try: return self.ut_datetime(strict=True, dateonly=True) except AttributeError: return None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def ut_datetime(self, strict=False, dateonly=False, timeonly=False): """ Returns the UT date and/or time of the observation as a datetime or date or time object. Parameters ---------- strict: bool if True, only information in the header can be used dateonly: bool if True, return a date object with just the date timeonly: bool if True, return a time object with just the time Returns ------- datetime.datetime / / datetime.time UT date and/or time """ # Loop through possible header keywords to get the date (time may come # as a bonus with DATE-OBS) for kw in ['DATE-OBS', self._keyword_for('ut_date'), 'DATE', 'UTDATE']: utdate_hdr = self.phu.get(kw, '').strip() # Is this a full date+time string? if re.match("(\d\d\d\d-[01]\d-[0123]\d)(T)" "([012]\d:[012345]\d:\d\d.*\d*)", utdate_hdr): ut_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(utdate_hdr) if dateonly: return elif timeonly: return ut_datetime.time() return ut_datetime # Did we just get a date? if re.match("\d\d\d\d-[01]\d-[0123]\d", utdate_hdr): break # Did we get a horrible early NIRI date: DD/MM/YY[Y]? match = re.match("([0123]\d)/([01]\d)/(\d\d+)", utdate_hdr) if match: y = 1900 + int( utdate_hdr = '{}-{}-{}'.format(y,, break else: # Set any non-matching string to null utdate_hdr = '' # If we're here, utdate_hdr is either a date or empty # If we only need a date and we've got one, exit if dateonly and utdate_hdr: return dateutil.parser.parse('{} 00:00:00'.format(utdate_hdr)).date() # Now look for a time; again, several possible keywords for kw in [self._keyword_for('ut_time'), 'UT', 'TIME-OBS', 'STARTUT', 'UTSTART']: uttime_hdr = self.phu.get(kw, '').strip() if re.match("^([012]?\d)(:)([012345]?\d)(:)(\d\d?\.?\d*)$", uttime_hdr): break else: uttime_hdr = '' # Now we've either got a time or a null string # If we only need a time and we've got one, exit if timeonly and uttime_hdr: return dateutil.parser.parse('2000-01-01 {}'.format(uttime_hdr)).time() # If we've got a date and a time, marry them and send them on honeymoon if utdate_hdr and uttime_hdr: return dateutil.parser.parse('{}T{}'.format(utdate_hdr, uttime_hdr)) # This is non-compliant data, maybe engineering or something # Try MJD_OBS mjd = self.phu.get('MJD-OBS', 0) if mjd > 1: mjdzero = datetime.datetime(1858, 11, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, None) ut_datetime = mjdzero + datetime.timedelta(mjd) if dateonly: return elif timeonly: return ut_datetime.time() else: return ut_datetime # Try OBSSTART obsstart = self.phu.get('OBSSTART') if obsstart: ut_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(obsstart.strip()).replace(tzinfo=None) if dateonly: return elif timeonly: return ut_datetime.time() else: return ut_datetime # Now we're getting desperate. Give up if strict=True if strict: return None # If we're missing a date, try to get it from the FRMNAME keyword or # the filename (.filename strips the path) if not utdate_hdr: values = self.hdr.get('FRMNAME', '') + [self.filename] for string in values: try: year = string[1:5] month = string[5:7] day = string[7:9] y = int(year) m = int(month) d = int(day) if (y>1999 and m<13 and d<32): utdate_hdr = '{}-{}-{}'.format(year, month, day) except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError): pass # If we're missing a time, set it to midnight if not uttime_hdr: uttime_hdr = '00:00:00' # Return something if we can fulfil the request if dateonly and utdate_hdr: return dateutil.parser.parse('{} 00:00:00'.format(utdate_hdr)).date() if timeonly and uttime_hdr: return dateutil.parser.parse('2000-01-01 {}'.format(uttime_hdr)).time() if utdate_hdr and uttime_hdr: return dateutil.parser.parse('{}T{}'.format(utdate_hdr, uttime_hdr)) # Give up return None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def ut_time(self): """ Returns the UT time of the observation as a datetime object. Returns ------- datetime.datetime UT time. """ try: return self.ut_datetime(strict=True, timeonly=True) except AttributeError: return None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def wavefront_sensor(self): """ Returns the name of the wavefront sensor used for the observation. If more than one is being used, the names will be joined with '&'. Returns ------- str Name of the wavefront sensor. """ candidates = ( ('AOWFS', self.phu.get("AOWFS_ST")), ('OIWFS', self.phu.get("OIWFS_ST")), ('PWFS1', self.phu.get("PWFS1_ST")), ('PWFS2', self.phu.get("PWFS2_ST")), ) wavefront_sensors = [name for (name, value) in candidates if value == 'guiding'] if self.phu.get('GWFS1CFG') is not None: wavefront_sensors.append('GEMS') return '&'.join(sorted(wavefront_sensors)) if wavefront_sensors else None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def wavelength_band(self): """ Returns the name of the bandpass of the observation. This is just to broadly know what type of data one is working with, eg. K band, H band, B band, etc. Returns ------- str Name of the bandpass. """ ctrl_wave = self.effective_wavelength(output_units='micrometers') if ctrl_wave is None: return None def wavelength_diff(pair): _, l = pair return abs(l - ctrl_wave) band = min(wavelength_band.items(), key=wavelength_diff)[0] return band
# TODO: Move RA/dec stuff to AstroDataFITS?
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def wcs_ra(self): """ Returns the Right Ascension of the center of the field based on the WCS rather than the RA header keyword. Returns ------- float right ascension in degrees """ # Return None if the WCS isn't sky coordinates try: return self._get_wcs_coords()[0] except InconsistentAxisTypesError: return None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def wcs_dec(self): """ Returns the Declination of the center of the field based on the WCS rather than the DEC header keyword. Returns ------- float declination in degrees """ # Return None if the WCS isn't sky coordinates try: return self._get_wcs_coords()[1] except InconsistentAxisTypesError: return None
[docs] @astro_data_descriptor def well_depth_setting(self): """ Returns a string describing the well-depth setting of the instrument Returns ------- str the well-depth setting """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('well_depth_setting'))
def _get_wcs_coords(self): """ Returns the RA and dec of the middle of the first extension Returns ------- tuple (right ascension, declination) """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FITSFixedWarning) # header[0] is PHU, header[1] is first extension HDU # If no CTYPE1 in first HDU, try PHU try: ctypes = (self[0].hdr['CTYPE1'], self[0].hdr['CTYPE2']) except KeyError: try: ctypes = (self.phu['CTYPE1'], self.phu['CTYPE2']) except KeyError: return (None, None) else: wcs = WCS(self.phu) else: wcs = WCS(self[0].hdr) if not (ctypes[0].startswith('RA') and ctypes[1].startswith('DEC')): return (None, None) x, y = [0.5 * self[0].hdr[naxis] for naxis in ('NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2')] result = wcs.wcs_pix2world(x,y, 1) ra, dec = float(result[0]), float(result[1]) # TODO: This isn't in old Gemini descriptors. Should it be? #if 'NON_SIDEREAL' in self.tags: # ra, dec = gmu.toicrs('APPT', ra, dec, ut_datetime=self.ut_datetime()) return (ra, dec) # TODO: Move to AstroDataFITS? And deal with PCi_j/CDELTi keywords? def _get_wcs_pixel_scale(self, mean=True): """ Returns a list of pixel scales (in arcseconds), derived from the CD matrices of the image extensions Parameters ---------- mean: bool if set, return a single value across all extensions Returns ------- list of floats/float List of pixel scales, one per extension """ try: cd11 = self.hdr['CD1_1'] cd12 = self.hdr['CD1_2'] cd21 = self.hdr['CD2_1'] cd22 = self.hdr['CD2_2'] except KeyError: # Make sure we return the right type of object return None if mean else [None] * len(self) if self.is_single: return 3600 * 0.5 * (math.sqrt(cd11*cd11 + cd12*cd12) + math.sqrt(cd21*cd21 + cd22*cd22)) else: pixel_scale_list = [3600 * 0.5 * (math.sqrt(a*a + b*b) + math.sqrt(c*c + d*d)) for a,b,c,d in zip(cd11,cd12,cd21,cd22)] if mean: return sum(pixel_scale_list) / len(pixel_scale_list) else: return pixel_scale_list def _grating(self): """ Returns the grating used for the observation Returns ------- str Grating used for the observation """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('grating')) def _prism(self): """ Returns the name of the prism used for the observation Returns ------- str the prism """ return self.phu.get(self._keyword_for('prism')) def _raw_to_percentile(self, descriptor, raw_value): """ Parses the Gemini constraint bands, and returns the percentile part as an integer. Parameters ---------- descriptor : str The name of the descriptor calling this function. For error reporting purposes. [Not used since we want to return None] raw_value : str The sky constraint band. (eg. 'IQ50') Returns ------- int Percentile part of the Gemini constraint band. """ val = gmu.parse_percentile(raw_value) return val